International conference
October 6 - 11, 2003
Crimea, Ukraine
Functional Materials
Proceedings |
PresentationsProceedingsParticipants are solicited to submit full papers of their accepted contribution
to publish in the
LanguageFor abstract, oral presentations, and poster presentation the
language is English
Call for AbstractsPreparationThe text should be given in English using MS Word formats
(12-point font Times New Roman, single spaced). The text should
occupy full A4 page (margins: top, bottom, and right - 3 cm,
left - 2 cm).
The title should begin the abstract (bold font). Next line -
author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s).
The next line should be blank. After this line the text should
be placed.
Figures, graph can be included into text.
SubmitThere are two possible way to submit abstracts: