Bobra Tatyana |
Candidate of geographical science
Department of Geoecology
Faculty of Geography |
General Inforamtion |

Date of birth |
30.05.1963 |
Place of Birth |
Bahkchisaray, Ukraine |
Nationality |
Russian |
Citizenship |
Ukraine |
Marital status |
married |
Education |
Candidate of geographical science |
Professional Experience |
Present position: Associate Professor of the Department of Geoecology, the Faculty of Geography of Taurida| National V.I.Vernadsky University (certificate of VAK DC № 008770).
Establishment |
Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University |
Dates |
1980-1985 Diploma with honours LV № 419006. |
Received Degree or diplomas |
Candidate of Geographical Science DK № 011700 |
How many years of working for a firm - TNU, since 1985
Lecture courses of educational disciplines: «Biogeography»; «Geophysics of landscape»; «Landscape studies»; «Landscape ecology»; «Landscape ecology of Crimea»; «Sustainability of geosystems to the anthropogenic loadings»; «Ecological setting of norms»; «Management and ecological inspecting of nature protection activity»; «Soil Science»; «Organization of management of nature protection activity»; «Ecological audit».
Additional skills ( computer skills):
Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Arc GIS, Arc View Spatial Analysis, ENVI |
Membership |
Scientific secretary of international Chair of UNESCO TNU on «Renewable energy and sustainable development». |
Work experience related to the project |
An author of more than 150 advanced studies, 10 monographs and 11 train and methodological manuals. A coauthor of on-line tutorials of normative disciplines on «Landscape ecology», «Setting of norms of the anthropogenic loadings on the natural environment» of the educationally-professional program of preparation of Bachelors in «Ecology», ratified by scientific-methodical center of Higher education of MON of Ukraine, 8.02.2005.
A participant of many research field expeditions in Crimea, the Caucasus, in the Carpathians, in Middle Asia (Kopetdag). Participant of 20 International projects such as ISAR, INTAS, TACIS, BSP, Swiss scientific fund, TEMPUS-TACIS, ES of UNO, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, 7 scope program of European Union, TEMPUS IV and 50 scientific-research topics and expertise, 6 ecological audits on the order of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). |
Additional information |
Laureate of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Award in 2005 in the nomination «Education» for the manual «Ecological audit». Recipient of an award in 2008 «Excellent worker of education of Ukraine» and Gratitude of Chairman of the Supreme Council of ARK.
Responsible secretary of scientific magazine «Geopolitics and ecogeodynamics of regions», scientific editor of magazine of «Notes of Geoecologists’Society». A founder of NGO «Geoecologosts’Society ». Member of International Association of landscape ecology – IALE. |
Experience of participating in international projects |
- 1995 «Development of conception of student ecological camps». Scientific consultant T.V.Bobra. Fund of ISAR.
- 1996 «Organization and conducting of student ecological camp on territory of Karadag natural preserve». Leader T.V.Bobra. Fund of ISAR.
- 1997 «Study of the ecological state of the protected landscapes of Mountain Crimea (on the example of Karadag)». Leader T.V.Bobra.
- 1997 Project for publication of the book «Geoecology». Fund of ISAR.
- 1998 «Ecological state of the small rivers of Foothills of Crimea». Manager of project T.V.Bobra. Fund of ISAR.
- 1995 Participating in the project «Management of the protection of environment at regional level», conducted by the Institute of sustainable communities (ISC).
- 1996 Participating in the international conference with participation of the international funds of ISAR, COUNTERPART, BSP, EURASIA) in Kiev, won a competition on realization of the program on the study of biodiversity in Crimea ( 7 regions of Ukraine applied for the program).
- 1996 Participating in organization and conducting of the first Crimean working conference and educational workshop of the Fund of International Partnership of COUNTERPART, promoting active participation of this fund in the life of our peninsula. Upon termination of the seminar Bobra T.V. got a certificate, giving a right to organize and conduct similar trainings with the purpose of helping in preparation projects for the Fund.
- 1998-1999 г.г. – participation in collaboration with the Crimean Association of tourist agencies in the program on «Support of middle and small business», the result of which was edition of CD| version of GIS «Ecological touristic routes in mountain Crimea». TACIS Fund. The project is acknowledged by the experts of TACIS| as the best project of 1999 in Crimea.
- 1999 Subregional project of experts of Central and East Europe on the Critical loadings and levels for atmosphere pollutants within the framework of the Convention on transfrontal transfer on distant distances (Germany-Ukraine (ES UNO-Brussels).
- International project TEMPUS-TASIS CD_JEP-21242-2000 «Development of education in area of ecologically safe energy» (2002-2004). Manager of the project.
- International project «Preparation of Master's degrees on the territorial planning in TNU», Swiss scientific fund (2001-2003). (Education in spatial planning| in the frame of the post-graduate course at the Taurida national Vernadsky university) (2000-2003).
- Ecological audit and analysis of production area of ZAO «Uksnab» in accordance with the requirement specification EBRD. (Public accountant in the Ukrainian-British company MOUCHEL-IRE Ltd. Consultative Services And Ecological Researches). 2005
- Audit on labour protection, accident prevention and protection of environment of joint venture «Chumak» within the framework of expert support for EBRD. (Member of the Ukrainian-British company MOUCHEL-IRE Ltd. Consultative Services And Ecological Research)
- Nature protection support for EBRD, audit on the protection of environment of area of TOV «ARE Cardboard Ukraine». (Member of the Ukrainian-British company MOUCHEL-IRE Ltd. Consultative Services And Ecological Researche)
- Pre-investment ecological inspection (audit) of the factory on processing of vegetable products of the company «Chumak» in Kakhovka. (Member of the Ukrainian-British company MOUCHEL-IRE Ltd. Consultative Services And Ecological Researche)
- Ecological effectiveness of forest management and environment protection, under INTAS grant in cooperation with Goettingen University, Institute of Gydromechanics of NAN of Ukraine and Ecology Laboratory of Upsala (Sweden). (Biological efficiency of forest management and environment protection in Ukraine - INTAS| - 95 -177)
- Project «Evaluation of the neccesity of biodiversity preservation in Crimea». (Education of Local Population and Authorities with a View to Communicate Knowledge about Priority Sites within the Framework of Implementation of the Project “Biodiversity Conservation Needs Assessment in Crimea” (Grant| Agreement No. MN35) (2000).
- Project of the 7 Framework Program of European Union (April of 2009-April 2013) Building Capacity for and Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development. Grant agreement number: 226740. 1.04.2009 – 31.12.2013 (scientific manager).
- Tempus IV Improvement of education in area of ecological management. Number of agreement 44746-TEMPUS-2008-RU-JPCR: on January, 15, 2009 Completion: on January, 14, 2012 (manager).
Basic research themes |
- SRT 220/02 «Research of forest growing terms, water-thermal mode and mode of exogenous geo-morphological processes in mountain Crimea with the use of the electronic automated systems of monitoring and GI technologies». SRT of Ministry of science and education of Ukraine. Responsible executor, senior researcher.
- SRT «Project of organization of territory of the Yalta natural preserve» SRT is executed on the order of the Center of the National Preserves of Ukraine (2004-2005) (2004-2005). Senior researcher.
- SRT «Landscape-ecological description of territory and scopes of Koreiz segment of Alupka forest district of the Yalta state preserve ». Senior researcher.
- The theme was executed on the order of the Crimean state enterprise «Scientific center for reserve areas» and the Ministry of environment protection and natural resources of Ukraine. Senior researcher.
- SRT «Scientific grounding for organization of the park-monument of national value «Karasan cliff». SRT is executed on order of the Crimean branch of the Center of the reserve areas of Ukraine (2005). Senior researcher.
- Ecological audit and analysis of production area of ZAO company «Uksnab» in accordance with a requirement specification EBRD. (Member of the Ukrainian-British company|Co.| MOUCHEL-IRE Ltd. Consultative Services And Ecological Researches). 2005
- NIT «Reconstruction of ground of hard common wastes with expansion of existent scopes in the district of Gaspra for the needs of Greater Yalta: project decisions and scientific ground of possible variants of location». On the order of Yalta Municipal Council. 2007 Senior researcher.
- SRT «Scientific grounding in relation to the maintenance of landscape reserve of local value «Karalarskiy», detailed clarification, concordance with contiguous areas and fixing of his scopes on locality». The theme was executed on the order of the Crimean state enterprise «Scientific center of research on the problems of the reserve areas and Ministry of environment protection and natural resources of Ukraine. Senior researcher.
- SRT «Conducting of geodesic works and drafting of technical report on the transfer of boarders into the landscape reserve of «Karalarsk». The theme was executed on the order of the Crimean state enterprise «Scientific center of research on the problems of the reserve areas» and Ministry of environment protection and natural resources of Ukraine Senior researcher.
- SRT 620/03 «Development of the regional program of forming of national ecological network in the Autonomous republic of Crimea». The theme was executed on the order of the Ministry of environment protection and natural resources of ARK. Senior researcher.
- SRT 217/02 «Development of prognosis model of Sustainable development of seashore territories of Ukraine» Senior researcher.
Contact Information |
ap.71, 23 Promyshlenaya Street, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine |
Home phone |
(38) (0652) 592-547 |
Work phone |
(38) (0652) 51-71-36 |
Mobile phone |
8-050-90-36-471 |
E-mail | |
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