Elmira S. Muratova
Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Philosophy Faculty
Date of Birth |
18/10/1978 |
Sex: |
Female |
Address: |
Taurida National V. Vernadsky University, av. Vernadsky, 4,
Simferopol, Crimea,
Citizenship: |
Ukrainian |
Nationality: |
Crimean Tatar |
Cell phone: |
+38 (0652) 230-335 |
E-mail: |
Russian - fluent Ukrainian - good
English - fluent
Crimean Tatar - native
Arabic - basic
Positions |
Oct.2007-Jan.2008: Honorary Research Assistant, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London (UK)
2005-2006:Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Centre for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, University of Kansas (USA)
2005-Present: Docent, Chair of Political Science, Taurida National V. Vernadsky University (Ukraine)
2003-2005: Assistant, Chair of Political Science, Taurida National V. Vernadsky University (Ukraine) |
Education |
Ph.D, Political Science, Taurida National V. Vernadsky University, 2004
Dissertation: A Political Analysis of the Islamic Revival in the Crimea.
M.A., History, Taurida National V. Vernadsky University, 2000
Diploma: The History of Islam in the Crimea
B.A., History, Taurida National V. Vernadsky University, 1999 |
Main Research and Teaching Interests |
Islam in Crimea, Islamic revival in the post-Soviet space, Islamic world in the modern politics, interethnic and interfaith relations in Crimea; media and politics |
Honors and Awards |
The Diploma of the second place in the first Ukrainian competition of academic works on the topic of “Islam and Ukraine”, Ukrainian Center of Islamic Studies, 2005.
B.A., M.A. Diplomas with Honors, Taurida National V. Vernadsky University, 1999-2000. |
Projects, Fellowships and Grants |
OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. 2009-10. Project: Monitoring network in Crimea. Analyst
Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Alumni Grants Program: August-December 2009. Project: “Publication a brochure “Crimean Muslims: a Sociological Portrait”. Author
American Council of Learned Societies. Short-term Grants in the Humanities. 2009. Project: Publication of the Collective Monograph “Islam in Crimea: Essays on the History of Muslim Institutions’ Operation”. Author
Center for Advanced Studies and Education (CASE).“Social Transformations in the Border (Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova)” Program: May 2009 – March 2010. Project: “Myth Creation by the Crimean Ethnic Groups in the Context of the Ukrainian Ideology of National Building”. Researcher
Follow-up Session of the “Teaching Islam in Eurasia” Program (sponsored by Higher Education Support Program and Social Science Research Council). University of Michigan, USA: 12-16 April 2009. Participant
The Autonomous Republic of Crimea Grants to Young Crimean Scholars: Jan.-Dec.2009. Project: “Political Myth as a Factor of Influence on Interethnic Relations in Modern-day Crimea”. Researcher
Central European University. Course Development Competition Program (CDC): Jan.2009-Jan.2010. Project: “Islam and Politics: World and Post-Soviet Tendencies”. Course designer
All-Ukrainian Association of Public Organizations “Al’raid”: Oct.-Nov. 2008. Project: “Crimean Muslims: Who we are? What we are? Sociological survey”. Director
Fulbright Program in Ukraine: Oct. 2008- May 2009. Project: “National Interest Workshops in Ukrainian Universities”. Instructor
Curriculum Resource Center Workshop “Audiovisual Mass Media: Between Politics and Regulation” (sponsored by Central European University). Budapest, Hungary: 2008. Participant
Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Alumni Grants Program: August-November 2008. Project: “Publication a book “Islamic Revival in Modern Crimea”. Author
Erasmus Mundus Research Fellowship, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, UK: Oct.2007-Jan.2008. Project: “Ethnic Conflicts in the Post-Communist World: Case-study of Crimea and Kosovo”. Researcher
American Council of Learned Societies. Short-term Grants in the Humanities. 2007. Project: “The Characteristics of Islam’s Development in Crimea under the Russian Domination (1783-1917)”. Researcher
Summer Institute for Excellence in Teaching “Teaching Islam in Eurasia” (sponsored by Higher Education Support Program and Social Science Research Council). Simferopol, Ukraine: 2007. Participant
Democracy Grants Program (US Embassy in Ukraine), Taurida National V. Vernadsky University, Ukraine: March-May 2007. Project: “National Interests of Ukraine: Compromise between Government, Business, and Civil Society”. (Co-sponsored by Renaissance foundation and Fulbright Program in Ukraine). Project manager
Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching “Media Literacy in Post-Communist Universities” (sponsored by Higher Education Support Program). Kiev, Ukraine: 2006.
Teacher Summer Institute “Africa in the Diaspora: A Paradigm of Black Connectedness” (sponsored by Center for African Studies at University of Kansas). Lawrence, USA: 2006. Participant
Fulbright Faculty Development Program, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, University of Kansas, USA: 2005-2006. Project: “Political Islam in the Post-Soviet Space”. Researcher
Summer University “Foundations of Civil Society and Islam” (sponsored by Higher Education Support Program). Tashkent, Uzbekistan: 2000. Participant
Publications |
Muratova E. S. 2009. The Crimean Muslims: an Inside View (the Results of the Sociological Survey). Simferopol: Elinio.
Muratova E. S. Islamic Revival in the Post-Soviet Crimea in Boitsova E.V., Gankevich V. Y., Muratova E. S., Hairedinova Z. Z. Islam in Crimea: Essays on the History of Muslim Institutions’ Operation. 2009, Simferopol: Elinio.
Muratova E.S. 2008. Islam in Modern-day Crimea: Indicators and Problems of the Process of Revival. Simferopol: Elinio.
Journal Articles
Muratova, Elmira. 2009. "He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune': Muslim Sponsors of Islamic Revival in Crimea', Religion, State and Society. 37 (3): 263 – 276.
Elmira Muratova. 2007. “Institutionalization of Islam in the Crimea: Muslim communities in the peninsula”. Scientific papers of Taurida National University. 20(2): 15-22.
Elmira Muratova. 2007. “The role of the ‘Islamic factor’ in the process of Ukraine national interests’ implementation”. Scientific papers of Taurida National University. 20(1): 97-102.
Elmira Muratova. 2006. “The main approaches to the radical Islam in the post-Soviet space”. Scientific papers of Taurida National University. 19(3): 29-41.
Elmira Muratova. 2004. “The Islamic revival in the content of Ukraine state policy”. Scientific papers of Taurida National University. 17 (1): 101-106.
Elmira Muratova. 2003. “The Islamic orientations of the Crimean Tatars”. Scientific papers of Taurida National University. 16 (1): 21-27.
Elmira Muratova. 2003. “The Islamic orientations of the Crimean Tatar people”. Birlik. 9: 55-63.
Conference Proceedings
“Centralized Muslim Centers of Ukraine” in: Proceedings of the International Islamic Scientific Conference “The World of Islam. History. Society. Culture” (Moscow, 11-13 December 2007). Moscow, 2009, 178-188.
“Myth Creation in the Process of Islamic Revival in Crimea” in: Proceedings of the VII International Seminar “Ethnicity and Power: Regional, National and Global Projects” (Yalta, 15-15 May 2008). Sevastopol, 2008, 128-130.
“Radical” vs. “Crimean”: Islam in the modern Crimean mythology” in: Proceedings of the VII International Youth Religious Studies Summer School “Islam: History, Essential Definitions and Modern Tendencies” (Simferopol, 7-16 July 2008). Kiev, 2008, 208-214.
“Islamic education in modern-day Crimea” in: Proceedings of the VII International Seminar “Religion and Civil Society: the Crisis of Identity and New Challenges of the Post-Secular Society” (Yalta, 8-10 November 2007). Sevastopol, 2008, 99-101.
“Crimean Tatar revival: national identity and Islam” in: Proceedings of the International Conference “Citizenship, Security and Democracy” (Istanbul, 1-3 September 2006). London, 2008.
“Islam and national interests of Ukraine” in: Proceedings of the International Conference “National Interests of Ukraine” (Simferopol, 16-17 March 2007). Simferopol: Energiia Delta, 2007, 173-180.
“The Islamic revival in the Crimea” in: Proceedings of the International Seminar “Religion and Civil Society” (Simferopol, 11-12 September 2004). Simferopol: Energiia Delta, 2005, 164-232.
“The indicators of the Islamic revival in the Crimea” in: Proceedings of the Conference “The Problems of Integrating Crimean Repatriates into Ukrainian Society” (Kiev, 13-14 May 2004). Kiev: Svitogliad, 2004, 371-382.
“About the concept of Ukraine state policy towards Islam” in: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar “Identity and Tolerance in a Multiethnic Civil Society” (Alushta, 11 May 2004). Simferopol, 2004, 140-146.
“The political factors of interfaith relations in the Crimea” in: Proceedings of the International Seminar “Religion and Civil Society: On the Way to the Global Ethos” (Yalta, 20-24 October 2003). Simferopol, 2004, 117-124.
“The political component of interfaith relations in the Crimea” in: Proceedings of the Seminar “Cultural Exchange and Establishment of Tolerance in a Multiethnic Civil Society” (Sevastopol, 15 May 2003). Khar’kov: Institute for Eastern countries and Africa of the international Slav’s university, 2003, 77-82.
“The Islamic Revival in the Crimea: the Main Problems” in: Proceedings of the Interfaith Readings “Interfaith Dialogue as a Condition for a True Religious Freedom’ Achievement in Multiethnic Crimea” (Bakhchisarai, 21 September 2001). Simferopol, 2001, 12-17.
Methodological Publications and Materials
Elmira Muratova. 2007. CD “Islamic World in the Modern Politics”. Simferopol: Laboratory for distance learning at Taurida National University.
Elmira Muratova. 2007. Educational and methodological materials prepared for teaching “Islamic World in the Modern Politics” for 5th -year Political Science students. Simferopol: PrintPix.
Elmira Muratova. 2007. Methodological training aid prepared for teaching “Islamic World in the Modern Politics” for 5th -year Political Science students. Simferopol: PrintPix.
Other Publications
Muratova E. S. 2009. “Teaching Islam in Crimea”. Studying and Teaching Islam in Eurasia / Eds. I. L. Alekseev, S. A. Kirilina, M. S. Mayor. Moscow: Publishing House “Gumanitariy” of the Academy of the humanitarian research.
Muratova E. 2005. “A political analysis of the Islamic revival in the Crimea”. Islam and Ukraine: The Works of the First Ukrainian Competition on the topic of “Islam and Ukraine”. Kiev: Ansar Foundation, 175-214.
Muratova Е. 2002. “The Revival of Islam in the Crimea”. Interethnic Harmony in the Crimea: the Ways of Achievement. Simferopol: Dolia, 180-188.
Conference Activities |
Conference “Islam in the Modern World and Ukraine”. Kiev, Ukraine: 2009.
International Seminar “Preserving the Diversity of Regional and Minority Languages in the Black Sea Region”. Bucharest, Romania: 2008.
Conference “Cultural and Civilization Dialogue and the Ways to Harmonize Interethnic and Interfaith relations in Crimea”. Simferopol, Ukraine: 2008.
11th Annual Fulbright Conference “Identity and Memory in Post-Soviet Ukraine”. Kiev, Ukraine: 2008.
The Seventh International Seminar “Ethnicity and Power: Regional, National and Global Projects”. Yalta, Ukraine: 2008.
Conference “The Politics of Islam(ism): Decolonizing the Post-Colonial”. University of Westminster, London, UK: 2007.
Workshop “Islamism, Democracy and Political Violence in the Arab World: the HAMAS Challenge”. University of Westminster, London, UK: 2007.
World Forum devoted to the 400th anniversary of Jamestown “Future of Democracy”. Williamsburg, Virginia, USA: 2007.
IX Annual Fulbright Conference “Ethical Standards in Education and Science”. Kiev, Ukraine: 2006.
International Conference “Citizenship, Security, and Democracy”. Istanbul, Turkey: 2006.
Teacher Conference “Mongols: Forging a Bridge of Trade and Knowledge between Asia and Europe”. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA: 2006.
Fulbright Seminar “Our Global Heritage: Civic Participation in Environmental Problem Solving”. San Francisco, California, USA: 2006.
International Seminar “Religion and Civil Society”. Simferopol, Ukraine: 2004.
The Third International Seminar “Identity and Tolerance in a Multiethnic Civil Society”. Alushta, Ukraine: 2004
The Third International Seminar “Religion and Civil Society: On the Way to a Global Ethos”. Yalta, Ukraine: 2003.
International Seminar “Religion and Civil Society”. Kiev-Simferopol-Yalta, Ukraine: 2002
Seminar “Cultural Exchange and Building a Tolerance in a Multiethnic Civil Society”. Sevastopol, Ukraine: 2003.
The First Interfaith Readings “Islam in the Crimea: History and Modernity”. Bakhchisaray, Ukraine: 2001.
International conference, devoted to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Gasprinskii. Simferopol, Ukraine: 2001.
Courses Taught |
Islamic World in the Modern Politics (graduate)
Political Islam in the Post-Soviet Space (graduate)
Media and Politics (undergraduate) |