Anna Igorevna Repetskaya, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Is based on a park-monument of landscape architecture "Salgirka" in 2004 an area of 32 hectares. Botanic Garden is one of historical and natural complex, including the estate of Academician P.S. Pallas and graph M.S. Vorontsov. Collection funds account for about 2000 taxa of ornamental trees and shrubs and herbaceous species, varieties and forms of plants, including rare, endangered and relict. The most extensively represented the following crops: roses (200 varieties), iris (400 varieties), lilac (55 species and varieties), tulips (100 varieties), cannes (36 varieties), daylilies (130 varieties), plant-covered ground (250 taxa), etc.
When planning the garden landscape and use a regular style, but the elements of landscape styles predominate. The main part is a collection of tree and shrub species - an arboretum. Most trees and shrubs planted in groups according to the decorative curtain, aesthetic and systematic principles. By regular plantings include alleys, is a real botanical garden ornament: cherry’s, cedar’s, walnut’s, catalpa’s, chestnut’s, thuja’s, etc. By combining the two styles have reached a high artistic and architectural effect, and enhanced by a variety of areas.
During the existence of the garden organized several specialized exhibitions - roses (rose garden), the exposition of decorative shrubs (“siringary”), a small exhibition of ornamental perennials (“iridary”), a large exhibition of arts and flower crops (“large field”), exposure of plants in greenhouses (“winter garden”) and others restored the functioning of the cascade of reservoirs, where the exposition of water and shoreline aquatic plants. Currently we are building the labyrinth, where there will be a collection of the Rosaceae family.
Botanic Garden is a scientific and educational departments of the university. The main directions of scientific work are: the study of biology and ecology of ornamental herbaceous and woody shrub species in the introduction, issues of landscape construction and landscape design, develop methods for mass breeding of ornamental plants and plant protection. Carried out environmental activities for the conservation of rare and endangered flora of Crimea.
Employees of the botanical garden run economic contracts threads on assessment and inventory of green space, develop landscaping projects.
The Botanic Garden is a base for training of students majoring in Forestry and Amenity Horticulture, Biology, Geography, Tourism, Ecology V. Vernadsky Tavrida National University. In botanic gardens held practical lessons students from various schools and colleges of the Crimea. Guided tours for residents and guests of the Crimea. Become traditional classical music concerts held in the garden.
Calendar of blumming plants of Botanic Garden
Scientific and technical staff
Head, Associate Professor, PhD Repetskaya A.I. Landscape architecture, biology of exotic species, rare and endangered plant species). |
Senior lecturer-researcher staff Leonov V.V., dendrologist,landscape designer. |
Senior lecturer Savushkina I.G., curator of siringariy and collection of bushes
Assistant junior researcher staff Kirpicheva L.F., curator of ”iridariy” and collections of irises and daylilies, kann. |
Assistant, junior researcher employee Dzyunenko E.A. plant pathologist and curator of collections of collection of bulbous plants. |
Leading specialist Gorodnyaya E.V., curator of the rose garden. |
Lead specialist Pas A.N., a microbiologist. |
Leading specialist, I.S. Kazakova, curator of the perennial and annual flower crops. |
Leading specialist Pidgaynaya E.S. curator of rockeries and collection of peonies, dahlias and chrysanthemums. |
Specialist of category 1 Besedin V.A., head of the greenhouse.
Peletsky T.P. , Curator of the conservatory. |
Leading specialist Halyavina S.V., curator of the collection of water and wetland plants. |
Lead Specialist Seit-Ablaeva S.S., curator of the nursery. |
Specialist of category 1 Spiridonov D.I., curator of collection of rare & typical plant |

Scientific and educational communication:
M.M. Gryshko National Botanic Garden
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany
Donetsk Botanic Garden of the NASU
Kriviy Rig Botanic Garden of the NASU
Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Institute of essential oil's and medicinal plants UAAS
Dendropark "Alexandria" National Academy of Sciences
A.V. Fomin Botanical Garden of Kiev Shevchenko University
The Botanical Garden of Lviv National Ivan Franko University
Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus
the Crimean branch of the Institute of Microbiology UAAS
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsk
Reskomprirody Crimea
Reskomles Crimea and others. |