Это интересно

The Faculty of Biology
The Department of Ecology and Rational Wildlife Management


The Head of the Department

Anatoly Vasilevich IVASHOV, Professor, Dr.Sci.Biol.
Phone: +38 (0652) 63-75-73
E-mail: aivashov@mail.ru


Predecessors of the Department were Department of Fundamentals of Agricultural Production (1963-1977) and Department of General Biology.
The Department of Fundamentals of Agricultural Production was headed by M.V. Sivtsev – Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Science. The basic direction of scientific researches during this period was studying the role of pigments in the adaptation of plants.
The further development of Department of Fundamentals of Agricultural Production (1964-1967) was carried out under direction of N.P. Panevsky – Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Science. His scientific interests were connected with agriculture and, in particular, efficiency of grain crops in field crop rotations of Crimea, intensity of arable land use and improvement of production quality.
From 1976 to 1980 an outstanding scientist, Corresponding Member of Academy of Science of the USSR, Professor, Dr.Sci.Biol. Boris Pavlovich Kolesnikov worked at the Department.
Leonid Georgievich Apostolov, Professor, Dr.Sci.Biol, headed the Department from 1977 to 1985 and was the Rector of the Simferopol university. His scientific interests were connected with forest entomology. In 1979, the Department of General Biology was renamed into the Department of Ecology and Rational Wildlife Management, and specialization of students on Ecology and Preservation of the Environment began. Leonid G. Apostolov was constant chairman of the Crimean branch of Ukrainian Entomological Society.
Veterans of war and labour worked at the Department: L.P. Popova, F.N. Vshivkov, I.V. Maltsev, O.V. Stepanenko, I.E. Zernova. Their creative and the conscientious attitude to work was the base of the further perfection of educational process at the Department.


Graduates profile – biologists specializing in Ecology.


  • Fundamentals of Ecology. Mathematical Methods in Ecology (A.V. Ivashov, Professor)
  • Genetics and Selection (V.L. Apostolov, Associate Professor)
  • Ecology of Insects (S.P. Ivanov, Associate Professor)
  • Theory of Evolutionary Doctrines (G.A. Kiseleva, Associate Professor)
  • Technique of Teaching Biology at School (E.G. Kuchina, Associate Professor)
  • Fundamentals of Ecology (V.G. Kobechinskaya, Associate Professor)
  • Fundamentals of Soil Science (V.B. Pyshkin, Associate Professor)
  • Water Resources and Their Rational Use. Experimental Ecology (G.E. Boyko, Associate Professor)

General information

For several years the Department has conducted republican competitions of students' scientific works on preservation of the environment.
The basic disciplines: Ecology and Wildlife Management, Genetics with Fundamentals of Selection, Darvinism and Modern Evolutionary Doctrine, Technique of Teaching Biology.
In 1979 specialization on Ecology and Rational Wildlife Management was opened. Annually 12-15 students of the 3-rd course are accepted. A number of special courses on different problems of Ecology and Preservation of the Environment are organized for them: "Study of Biosphere", "Genetic Aspects of Preservation of the Environment", "Mathematical Methods in Ecology", "Protection of Soil in Crimea".
Scientific researches under grants of the Ministry of Education and Science are conducted by scientists Professor, Dr.Sci.Biol. A.V. Ivashov, Cand.Sci.Biol.: A.P. Simchuk; V.N. Razumeyko, V.V. Oberemok, etc. Educational process is provided by laboratory assistants: the head of the laboratory L.I. Garunova, specialist-biologist V.M. Gromenko, senior laboratorians I.B. Burshenko, N.A. Karlova, L.A. Svolynskaya.

Scientific Work

One of the contemporary scientific directions of the Department is connected with study of interactions between populations. The attention is paid not only to ecological, but to genetic aspects. Development of theoretical bases of the given problem has a direct output in practice of plants protection. Therefore the Department conducts applied scientific researches searching optimum ways of protection of perennial plantings excluding chemical environmental contamination. On the basis of these works lies the search of new biological means of protection of plants and rational use of available means. As world experience shows, solving these problems is impossible without knowledge of ecology and genetics of population interactions. The Department carries out scientific contacts with the experts developing biological methods of plants protection, Institute of Plants Protection (St.-Petersburg), Institute of Zoology of NAS of Ukraine (Kiev), the Crimean Branch of National Agrarian Academy.
One of the directions in work of the Department is "Study of Pollution of Small Rivers of Crimea". The Department also participates in development of complex (together with botanists and zoologists) scientific problem "Ecosystems of Mountain and Foothill Crimea, their Optimization and Protection". Annually the employees of the Department issue scientific works, publish articles in the central editions, read reports at various conferences. Methodical manual for students "Mathematical Methods in Ecology" is published.
Scientific activity of Department is supplemented with research of methods of students’ ecological education. Problems of vocational and pedagogical training of the future teachers of biology are developed.


Scientific and educational contacts: with Kiev National University, Dnepropetrovsk National University, Institute of Zoology of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Ecology of Carpathians of NAS of Ukraine, Nikitskiy Botanical Garden, Institute of Ethereal Oil and Medicinal Plants (Simferopol), Crimean Republican Institute of Advanced Pedagogical Education and Retraining, the Crimean Republican Committee for Environmental Protection, the Crimean Republican Committee for Forestry, the enterprises of Crimea.
International contacts: with Yale University (USA), Laboratory of Pathology of Invertebrates.