Faculties and Institutes |
Inter-University Departments |
The Department of Physical Training |
The Head of the Department |
Vasily Vasilevich Shishlakov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Science |
(0652) 60-80-88 |
Realization of physical training process with students of 1-st – 5-th years |
1. Generally physical training on the following specializations:
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Football
- Athleticism
- Table Tennis
- Aerobics
- Modern Dance
2. Work with students assigned to specialized medical group.
3. Work with students, freed from the practical lessons. |
Staff of department |
Shishlakov Vasily Vasilevich, the Head of the Department, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Science
Semin Valerii Ivanovich, Reader, Honored worker of education, ARC
Kasuanov Vladimir Yakovlevich, senor teacher, Honored worker of education, Ukraine, the deaf-Olympic games champion in 2005
Dergilev Sergei Ltonidovich, senior teacher
Teterua Taisiya Alexandrovna, senior teacher, Master of sport
Rodina Irina Stepanovna, senior teacher
Morozov Anatolii Yakovlevich, senior teacher, Master of sport
Orokhovskaua Ekaterina Alexeevna, senior teacher
Liskonog Liliua Vasilevna, senior teacher
Dildin Oleg Ivanovich, senior teacher
Uryupina Irina Vasilevna, senior teacher
Chuprov Alexander Andreevich, senior teacher
Osking Yurii Petrovich, senior teacher
Shevelev Pavel Alexandrovich, senior teacher
Shevchenki Alla Nikolaevna, senior teacher
Akhmadulin Farid Marsovich, senior teacher
Akhmadulina Elena Yeorgievna, senior teacher
Kotaridi Yeorgii Panayotovich, senior teacher
Lalakidi Olga Yeorgievna, senior teacher
Safronov Sergei Pavlovich, senior teacher
Starostin Anatolii Yeorievich, senior teacher
Fattakhov Farid Bodardinovich, teacher
Veselov Dmitrii Viktorovich, teacher
Scientific work |
The direction of the scientific researchers: the development and improvement of new methods of medical – methodic observations in the lessons on the physical educated with student of 1st – 5th years, improvement of studies carrying out in students groups of different directions of training and specializations, the organization of students independent active motive activities.
Educational work
The basic educational course of the Department is the physical training with students of the 1st – 5th years of 15 faculties of TNU.
The department carries out the work on students affraction to regular physical training and sport, on increase of sports skill, involving in competition and sport-healts-improvement activity systematical realized work on improvement the level of the theoretical and methodic preparation of the Department teachers, the organization, of the educational process and optimal the use of the material and technical base of the department directed to the rise of students TNU physical training level, their active participation in the health-improvement physical-mass and sport work with the purpose of the personal physical improvement
Published work |
Sorokina A.G. Naturally scientific principles of the physical education. Simferopol, 1996
Semin V.I. Biomechanics of interactions in systems “gymnast-training device”. Simferopol, 1996
Kasyanov V.Ya. The organization of the tourism in Crimea. Simferopol, 1997
Kasyanov V.Ya. The organization and the carrying out the competitions on the classic and beach volley –ball. Simferopol, 2001
Semin V.I. The circular training in the physical education of student. Simferopol, 2001
Starostin A.G. Recommendations on the organization and carrying out academic studies on the table tennis with students of the 1st – 5th years Manual. Simferopol, 2006
Liskonog L.V., Teterya T.A., Rodina I.S. Methodic recommendations of the subject “Aerobics”. Simferopol, 2008
Starostin A.G., Dergilev C.L., Evlyukhin A.V., Dildin O.I. Methodic recommendations on the organization and carrying out the studies on the physical education of the specialization “Table tennis” with snudents of the 1st – 5th years. Simferopol, 2008
Starostin A.G., Shevchenko A.N., Akhmadulina E.G. Methodic recommendations on the organization and carrying out the studies on the specialization “badminton” with snudents of the 1st – 5th yeas TNU. Simferopol, 2008
Koteridi G.P., Semin V.I., Akhmadulina E.G. Peculiarities of the employment of restoration means in studies of the armrest ling. Simferopol, 2008
Shishlakov V.V. Methodic instructions for the synopses spelling by students of 1st – 5th yeas of all directions and specialties, release from studies of the physical training according to their stale of health. Simferopol, 2009
Oskin Yu.P., Shevelev P.A. Methodic recommendations on organization and carrying out the studies on basketball for students of 1st – 5th yeas of the day-time education. Simferopol, 2009
Liskonog L.V. Methodic instructions on the exercises complex employment, promoting the development of power qualities and an endurance of the TNU students. Simferopol, 2009
Semin V.I., Koteridi G.P., Fattakhov F.B. Methodic recommendations on the arm – sports “Peculiarities of training studies organization on the armrest ling among students”. Simferopol, 2010
Akhmadulina E.G., Akhmadulin F.M., Lalakidi O.G. Methodic recommendations “ Influence of regular loadings on the strengthening of the functional state of the constitution and the supporting – motive system of students”. Simferopol, 2010