Edie Shevketovna MEMETOVA, Assosiate Professor, Cand.Phil.Sci.
Phone: +38 0652 51-60-06, 51-60-16
The Department of the Crimean-Tartar Language and Literature was organized at the Philological Faculty of M.V. Frunze State University in 1990. In 1992 it was divided into the Department of the Crimean-Tartar Language and of the Crimean-Tartar Literature. The Head of the Department of the Crimean-Tartar language was Assosiate Professor E.S. Akmollaev.
In 1994 the Head of the Department of the Crimean-Tartar Language became Professor A.Memetov, D.Phil.Sci. In 2002 as a result of division of the Department of Crimean-Tartar Language and Oriental Philology the Department of Crimean-Tartar Linguistics was created. From 2002 to 2004 acting Head of the Department was L.A. Alieva. Since 2004 the Department of Crimean-Tartar Linguistics has been headed by Assosiate Professor E.Sh.Memetova, Cand.Phil.Sci.
General Information
Specialists on the Crimean-Tartar language work at the Department. There are 10 teachers at the Department now. Among them 4 Candidates of Science (3 Assosiate Professors), 2 senior teachers.
- Introduction into Linguistics (Assosiate Professor E.Sh. Memetova, Assistant S.M.Useinova);
- The Theory Linguistics (Assistant A.M.Kurtseitov);
- Introduction into Turkology (Assosiate Professor E.S. Memetova);
- Bases of the Theory of Language Communications (Assistant S.M. Useinova);
- Practice on the Crimean-Tartar Language (Senior Teacher G.Sh.Chantalova, Assistants M.S.Murakhas, E.O.Fetieva);
- History of the Crimean-Tartar Language (Senior Teacher E.N. Medzhitova);
- Second Oriental Language (Cand.Phil.Sci L.I. Bekirova);
- Technique of Teaching of the Crimean-Tartar Language ( Senior Teacher L.A. Alieva);
- Dialectology (Senior Teacher E.N. Medzhitova);
- General Linguistics (Senior Teacher A.M. Kurtseitov);
- Stylistics and Standard of Speech (Assosiate Professor E.Sh. Memetova);
- Historiy of Linguistic Doctrines (Assistant S.M. Useinova);
- Methodology and Organization of Scientific Researches ( Assistant S.M. Useinova);
- Comparative Grammar of Turkish Language (Senior Teacher R.A. Berberova);
- Methodology and the Organization of Scientific Researches (Senior Teacher R.A. Berberova);
- Old Tartar Writing (Senior Teacher G.S. Chantalova);
- Modern Crimean-Tartar Language (Senior Teacher E.O. Fetieva, Assistant S.M. Useinova);
- Modern Crimean-Tartar Language (Morphology) (Senior Teacher R.A. Berberova);
- Modern Crimean-Tartar Language (Syntax) ( Senior Teacher L.A. Alieva);
- Technique of Teaching of the Crimean-Tartar Language in Higher School (Senior Teacher L.A. Alieva).
- Memetova, Edie Shevketovna – a philologist-turkologist, Cand.Phil.Sci., Assosiate Professor;
- Okaz, Lemara Sergeevna – a philologist-turkologist, Cand.Phil.Sci. Assosiate Professor;
- Alieva, Lenie Ablyazovna – a philologist-turkologist, Senior Teacher
- Bekirova, Levisa Ismailovna – a philologist-turkologist, Cand.Phil.Sci., Senior Teacher;
- Medzhitova, Edibe Nazimovna – a philologist-turkologist, Senior Teacher;
- Berberova, Remsie Ametovna – a philologist-turkologist, Senior Teacher;
- Kurtseitov, Alim Midatovich – a philologist-turkologist, Cand.Phil.Sci., Assosiate Professor;
- Absemieva, Leniar Sabrievna – a philologist-turkologist, Assistant;
- Fetieva, Elsira Osmanovna – a philologist-turkologist, Senior Teacher;
- Murakhas, Mumine Sadykovna – a philologist-turkologist, Assistant;
- Chantalova, Gulnara Shukurievna – a philologist-turkologist, Senior Teacher;
- Useinova, Seyare Muslimovna – a philologist-turkologist, Assistant;
The Crimean-Tartar Language
Three Cand.Phil.Sci., Assosiate Professors; four Cand.Phil.Sci.; one Assosiate Professor, five Senior Teachers, three Assistants work at the Department. The staff of the Department has developed more than 32 syllabus and working plans of disciplines, numerous tests, test packages, tasks for independent and practical work, questions to credits and examinations, abstracts of lectures, programs of dialectological and pedagogical practice.
Scientific Researches
Direction of scientific researches of the Department of Crimean-Tartar Linguistics: The Department conducts scientific researches in the field of Lexicology, Dialectology, Grammar and Stylistics of the Crimean-Tartar language.
The Department actively cooperates with the Institute of Philology of Kiev T.G. Shevchenko National University, A.Krymskiy Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS of Ukraine (Kiev), Kiev National Linguistic University, Tashkent State University, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow).
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