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Faculties and institutes


The Faculty of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Philology


The Department of Oriental Phylology

  The Head of the Department  

Aider Memetovich MEMETOV, Professor, Doctor of Philology, the Honoured Worker of National Education of Ukraine, Academician of Crimean Academy of Science, the Winner of State Award of Crimean Autonomous Republic (2010)

  Phone: (0652) 51-60-06
E-mail: memetov@tnu.crimea.ua

The Faculty of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Philology was created in 2002 on the basis of the branch of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Philology of the Philological Faculty of Taurida National V.I. Vernadskiy University. The Department of Oriental Philology was organized by division of the Department of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Languages, with the Head Professor, Doctor of Philology A.Memetov.


General Information


There are 18 teachers, including 1 Doctor of Philology, professor, 1 Candidate of Philology, associate professor, and 4 senior teachers working at the Department of the Oriental Philology.

The Department of Oriental Philology trains bachelors, specialists and masters on the following branches: the Arabian Language and Literature, the Turkish Language and Literature, and the Persian Language and Literature. The teachers of the Department have published 235 research works and methodological studies, which total size is 497 printers sheets.




There are the following branches in the structure of the Department of Oriental Philology as Arabian Language and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature, Persian Language and Literature.


Faculty Members

  • Memetov Iskander Ayderovich – specialist in Turkic philology, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor;

  • Abduraimov Nariman Yag'yaevich – senior teacher of Arabian Language and Literature;

  • Eken Omer – senior teacher of Turkish Language and Literature;

  • Alyaettin Shakhin – senior teacher of Turkish Language and Literature;

  • Pavlenko Natalia Vyacheslavovna – senior teacher of Persian Language and Literature;

  • Bekirov Rustem Alexander – teacher of Arabian Language and Literature;

  • Chelebiev Dilyaver Enverovich – teacher of Turkish Language and Literature;

  • Shukrinov Server of Dilyaverovich – teacher of Turkish Language and Literature;

  • Alimov Ali Nur'yanovich – teacher of Arabic Language and Literature;

  • Magametov Alim Rustemovich – teacher of Arabian Language and Literature;

  • Kurtosmanova Feruza Izzetovna – teacher of Arabian Language and Literature;

  • Dzhemalitdinov Vilen Enverovich – teacher of Arabian Language and Literature;

  • Minin Vladimir Alexandrovich teacher of Persian Language and Literature;

  • Sukhorukov Alex Nikolayevich teacher of Persian Language and Literature;

  • Emirsale Elvira Yakubovna – teacher of Persian Language and Literature;

  • Akkieva Lenara Rustemovna – teacher of Turkish Language and Literature;

  • Akopyan Meri Andronikovna – teacher of Arabian Language and Literature;



  • Comparative grammar (Memetov A.M., Professor, Doctor of Philology, Bekirov R.A., teacher)

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Turkish). Stylistics. Lexicology. The newest tendencies in modern Turkish Literature. Theory and practice of scientific translation. The language teaching methods in the Higher educational establishments. The culture of the country, which language is studied. (Memetov I.A., associate professor);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Persian). History of country, which language is studied. Introduction into Linguistics. Theoretical grammar, theoretical phonetics. Diplomatic etiquette and protocol. History of islam revolution in Iran. (Pavlenko N.V. senior teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Turkish). The second oriental language. Methodology of teaching foreign language and literature. Theoretical phonetics. Socio-political system of Turkey. Literature of the country, which language is studied. (Eken Omer, senior teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Turkish). The second oriental language. Theory and practice of translation. (Alaettin Shakhin, senior teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Arabic). The second oriental language. Methodology of teaching foreign language and literature. Semitic languages. History of Islam. Modern economic position of the Arabian countries (Abduraimov N.Ya., senior teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Persian). History of language. Literature of the country, which language is studied. Stylistics. Culture-oriented linguistics of  the basic foreign language. Lexicology. Culture of the country, which language is studied. Socio-political system of Iran (Minin V.A., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Persian). Methods of teaching foreign language and literature. Ethnography of the studied country. The second oriental language. History of religions of Iran. Theory and practice of translation. Theory and practice of scientific translation. Methods of teaching foreign language and literature in the Higher educational establishments. (Sukhorukov A.N., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Turkish). Oriental language. Ethnography of the studied country. History of country which language is studied. History of religions of Turkic people. (Shukrinov S.D., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Turkish). The second oriental language. Introduction to Philology. (Chelebiev D.E., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Arabic). Oriental language. Comparative grammar. Stylistics. Ethnography of the studied country. Culture of the studied country. Theoretical grammar. (Bekirov R.A., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Arabic). Literature of the studied country. (Magametov A.R., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Arabic). The second oriental language. Linguistic practice. (Kurtosmanova F.I., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Arabic). The second oriental language. History of the Arabian language. Theoretical phonetics. (Dzhemalitdinov V.E., teacher);

  • Practical course of basic oriental language (Arabic). Literature of the studied country. ( Akopyan M.A., teacher)


Educational work


The teachers of the department did the curriculums in the following special disciplines: «Theoretical grammar» (author- senior teacher Pavlenko N.V. ); «History of linguistic traditions» (author- teacher Alimov A.N.); « Culture-oriented linguistics of the Arabian countries» (author- teacher Dzemalitdinov V.E.); «History of religions of Iran» (author- teacher Sukhorukov A.N. ); «Socio-political system of Turkey» (author- teacher Shukrinov S.D.). The teachers of department created numerous tests, pack of tests, tasks for independent and practical works, questions for the tests and examinations, summary of lectures, programs of the practice of translation.


Research work


The department works in the field of the problems of studying of  the history and grammatical structure of the modern Crimean-Tartar, Turkish, Persian and Arabian languages.

By the methods of statistical, lexico-semantic analysis features of the Arabian, Persian, Turkish languages were described. The employees of the department studied carefully the problems of classification of vowel and consonantal sounds, accent, classification of syllable and syllable-boundary, problem of forming and construction of sound chains in the Arabian, Turkish, Persian languages. The processes of consonantism and vocalism are studied, categorematic and syncategorematic word are classified, the lexico-semantic and morphological features of parts of speech of the Turkish and Crimean-Tartar languages are examined. The nowadays state of the Crimean-Tartar language was examined carefully. Also the spheres of its functioning and the basic ways of the further development of the language in the spheres of school and higher education: some features of translation from the Turkish language; grammatical and lexico-semantic features of verbal phraseological units of the Arabian language were described. The comparable analysis of the Arabian and Crimean-Tartar languages (on the example of idafat combinations of words) was made.


Publications (in original languages)

Monographs, textbooks, teaching aids (in original languages)