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Faculties and institutes


The Faculty of Foreign Philology


The Department of Romance and Classical Philology

  The Head of the Department  

Nadezhda S. LESOVA-YUZEFOVICH, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Science, Alliance Francaise Simferopol Association President.

  Phone: +38 (0652) 25-30-84  

The teaching of the French Language at the Department started in 1944. Among the first teachers of French there was Z.I. Yurgilevich. In connection with the decision to set up the institute of foreign languages in Ukraine in 1955 the admittance of students was stopped. The teaching of French was renewed in 1971, when the French Department was formed, which trained specialists in the French Language and Literature.


The Department of Romance and Classical Philology was set up in September, 1985 through the division of the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages into two ones (The Department of Romance and Classical Philology and the Department of German Philology)


Department Staff


At present the staff of the Department consists of:

  • 4 associate professors: Lesova-Yuzefovich N.S. – the Chief of the Department, Candidate of Philological Sciences; Gavrisheva G.P. - Candidate of Philological Sciences; Denisov Yu.S. - Candidate of Philological Sciences; Silin V.V. - Candidate of Philological Sciences;
  • 7 senior lecturers: Nazarevskaya M.P., Naumenko N.P., Neradovskaya T.L., Tatarenko E.N., Chekalina T.V., Chulkov V.I., Shibaeva I.V.;
  • 3 assistants: Degtyarenko L.V., Prokosheva T.A., Shaposhnik N.A.

The Department trains students in speciality “French Language and Literature”.

The Department specialists teach in other institutions of higher education of Crimea: Odessa National Law Academy, Crimean Institute of Kiev National Economics University, Crimean State Industrial and Pedagogical University, Ukrainian Sevastopol Sea Institute, Kerch Branch of TNU.




Scientific Interests of the lecturers are various:

  1. syntax of the French language, its phraseology;
  2. bookish, including terminological, lexics of various spheres of usage;
  3. French language literature of the countries of Africa and Europe;
  4. Peculiarities of the literary French language in different French language countries.

The Department is interested in the developing of scientific and educational connections with French language establishments of France (Switzerland, Belgium), in particular, in the exchange of scientific and educational literature, students, post graduate students. On the base of our and other corresponding University Departments one could set up the courses of the improvement of the habits of the written, oral speech in Ukrainian and Russian languages for French speaking students. The Department successively cooperates with French cultural and educational centers of Kiev and Odessa, the Embassy of the French Republic in Ukraine, the Paris Alliance Francaise Association.



  • History of French Language Literatures. Literary Connections of French, Ukraine, and Russia. Area Studies of the French Language. Antique Culture (Gavrisheva G.P., Associate Professor);
  • History of the French Language. Stylistics. Theoretical Course of the second (French) Language (Denisov Yu.S., Associate Professor );
  • History of French Language Literatures. Theoretical Phonetics of the French Language. Business French Language. (Lesova-Yuzefovich N.S., Associate Professor).
  • History of the Foreign Literature. Introduction into the Roman philology. Practical Course of the Main Foreign (French) Language (Silin V.V., Associate Professor);
  • Basics of the Theory of Linguistic Communications. Lexicology of the French Language. Roman Prose. Antique Mythology (Tatarenko E.N., Senior Lecturer);
  • Comparative Grammar of the French and Latin Languages. Vulgar Latin. Theoretical Grammar of the French Language. The Methods of Interpenetrative Teaching Latin and French Grammar Analogues. Introduction into the greed language (Chekalina T.V., Senior Lecturer);
  • Linguostylistic Analysis of the Original Latin Prose. Methods of Teaching Special Latin Lexics to Law and History Students (Chulkov V.I., Senior Lecturer);
  • History of the Latin Language. Methods of Teaching Special Latin Lexics to Biology and Philology Students. Methods of Teaching the Latin Language (Nazarevskaya M.P., Senior Lecturer);
  • Practical Course of the Spanish and French Languages (Naumenko N.P., Senior Lecturer);
  • Emphatic Syntax of the French Language. Methods of Teaching the French Language in the Secondary and Higher School. Sociolinguistic Characteristics of the Modern French Language (Neredovskaya T.L., Senior Lecturer);
  • Practical Course of the Main Foreign (French) Language. Rome Area Studies (Shibaeva I.V., Senior Lecturer);
  • Practical Course of the Spanish Language. Area Studies of the Spanish Language (Degtyarenko L.V., Assistant);
  • Methods of Teaching Special Latin Lexics to Culture Department Students (Yemelyanova T.A., Assistant);
  • Methods of Teaching Special Latin Lexics to Law and History Students (Shaposhnik N.A., assistant).

Scientific Work


Scientists and lecturers of the Department work out the complex scientific theme “Linguistic and Literary interpretations of French, Spanish and Latin texts”. The Object of the Research is communicative and stylistics variant character of prosaic and poetic texts of different genres at lexico-semantic and syntactic levels.


Ties, Contacts


For many years the Department has taken for teaching work with students and lecturers of the Department specialists from France, sent by French Cultural Center of the Embassy of the French Republic in Ukraine. French Cultural Center, and also the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Ukraine supply the Department with scientific, methodical, reference, periodical, fiction literature and other educational materials in the French Language. Together with the lecturers from France the Department trains students for exam passing for obtaining DELF-DALF French Certificates.

The Chief of the Department, Associate Professor, Lesova-Yuzefovich N.S. has had many times probation periods abroad: 1994 – audiovisual training center in the town of Royan, France – language probation period on the French Language; 1998 – Sophia-Antiplis University in the town of Nice, France – Environmental Economics; 1999 - training center on tourism in the town of Anger, France - probation period in the sphere of management in tourism; January-February 2009 the  University Bordeaux-Montaigne 3, France – probation period on the university administration; worked as a Guest Associate Professor at the university Bordeaux-Montaigne 3 in April – August 2001-2002 – the Institute of Tourism of the University of the town of Anger, France; November – December 2009 Bordeaux-Montaigne 3, France.

Senior lecturer Neradovskaya T.L. in 1994 had a linguistic probation period on the French Language in the audiovisual training center in the town of Vichy (CAVILAM), France; 2010 -  pedagogics probation period at the university Bordeaux-Montaigne 3.

Senior lecturer Naumenko N.P. (2008), senior lecturer Shibaeva I.V. (2006), assistant Shaposhnik N.A. (2007) took part in the summer pedagogics probation period of the Paris Alliance Francaise Association, France.

Senior lecturer Checalina T.V. 2010 - had a pedagogics probation period at the university Bordeaux-Montaigne 3.

Senior lecturer of the Department Tatarenko E.N. had an administrative probation period within the framework of the International «Erasmus Mundus» Program in the University Bordeaux-1, France (2008). In 2006-2007 she worked at the International «Tempus-Tassis» Program on the ECTS Students’ Mobility.


Culture and Enlightenment Activities


The Department of Romance and Classical Philology actively cooperates with town public association of Alliance Francaise and within the framework of cultural measures holds at the end of October Annual Festival of Youth Theaters in the French Language in Crimea. And in April it holds “French Spring” – the days of French culture in Simferopol, Yalta, Alushta and other towns of Crimea.


Conferences and Publications


Every year the members of the academic staff of the Department of Romance and Classical Philology take part in the seminars on philology, linguistics, literature and critics, which are held in diferent universities and institutes of the higher education of Ukraine and international conferences of the French-speaking countries.

The Chief of the Department, Associate Professor Lesova-Yuzefovich Nadezhda S. and assistant Shaposhnik N.A.  have taken part in the international seminar devoted to the methods of teaching on French literature at High school at Kiev National University of Linguistics, city of Kiev.

Associate professor of the Department of Romance and Classical Philology Gavrisheva G.P. has taken part in ІХ International Philological Seminar on Comparative Literary Studies (Kiev, KNU, 2005); in the First All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference on the novelists in the town of (Chernovtsy, 2006); in the Interuniversity Conference on Foreign Literature (Dnepropetrovsk, DNU, 2007); in the ІІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Crimea in the World Culture» (Simferopol, KRIPPO, 2007); in the II International Conference “Modernes Researches in the Field of Foreign Philology” (Uzhgorod, 2010).

Senior lecturer Nazaravskaya M.P. has taken part in the International Scientific Conference on Classical Philology at the Modern Stage, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the professor of the Department of the Classical Philology, Member of the National Union of the Writers of Ukraine A.A. Sodomora, the City of Lvov; in the II International Conference “Modernes Researches in the Field of Foreign Philology” (Uzhgorod, 2010).

Associate professor of the Departement of Romance and Classical Philology Silin V.V. has taken part in the International Scientific-Pedagogical Conference “Topical Issues of Turkology” (Simferopol, 2010); in the III International Congress of Foreign Literature and Culture Researchers”(Sebastopol, 2010); in the International Simposium “Retrospective Philology”(v.Peschanoye, 2010); in the I International School “Philology without Borders”(Alushta, 2010).

Assistant Shaposhnik N.A. has taken part in the All-Ukrainian Conference devoted to 150 anniversary of A.P. Chekhov “Litterature in Cultural Context”.


The Department Manuals


  • Gavrisheva G.P., Lesova-Yuzefovich N.S., Chekalina T.V. The Complex Analysis of the Literary Text.

  • Degtyarenko L.V. Linguostylistic Analysis of the Literary Text in the Spanish Language.

  • Denisov Yu.S. The Brief Course of the history of the French Language.

  • Denisov Yu.S. The Brief Theoretical Course of the French Language as a second one.

  • Denisov Yu.S. The Comparative Stylistics of the French, Russian, and Ukrainian Languages.

  • Lesova-Yuzefovich N.S. Business Correspondence in the French Language.

  • Prokosheva T.A., Chekalina T.V. The Category of the Gender of the Nouns in the French Language