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Faculties and Institutes


The Faculty of Foreign Philology


The Department of Theory and Practice of Translation and Sociolinguistics

  The Head of the Department

Alexander D. PETRENKO, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Philology, Honored Scientist of Education of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea

  Phone: +38 (0652) 25-30-84
E-mail: aldpetrenko@ukr.net

The Department was established in March, 2006, Alexander D. Petrenko was elected as Head of the Department, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Philology, Honored Scientist of Education of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea.





The Department conducts training of Bachelor, Specialist and Master of Arts Degrees in the specialty “Translation” (the English Language, the German Language, the French Language).

Professors, Associate Professors, Senior Tutors etc. of the Department have large experience in training professional interpreters, provide language and research probation period in Germany, USA, England and France, exchange programs with different international organizations, higher educational establishments in Ukraine and number of European countries, and in publishing text-books for universities and schools.

The Department organizes and takes part in international conferences and all Ukrainian competition of students’ papers.



  • Theory of Linguistics, Sociolinguistics A.D. Petrenko, Professor
  • Comparative Lexicology of the English language, Stylistics N.N. Kislitsina, Associate Professor
  • Introduction of translation, theory and practice of translation of the English language M.Yu. Lukinova, Associate Professor
  • Introduction into the theory of Translation, Theory and Practice of Translation (the German language) V.P. Andrienko, Associate Professor
  • Theory of the French language, Theory and Practice of Translation (the French language) Yu. S. Denisov, Associate Professor
  • Comparative Lexicology the French and Russian languages Norets T.M, Associate Professor
  • Practice of Translation (the English language) E.B. Martiniuk, Senior Tutor
  • Practical Course of the English Language N. Yu. Valova, Senior Tutor
  • Practical Course of the English Language N.V. Shevchenko, Senior Tutor
  • History of the French Language, Practice of Translation D.M. Hrabskova, Candidate of Philology
  • Practical Course of the English language (A.A. Georgiadi, Assistant Lecturer, O.Sakhnova, Assistant Lecturer)
  • Practical Course of the German language (I.A. Polutina, Assistant Lecturer, D.A. Shaliga, Assistant Lecturer, T.V. Bridko, Assistant Lecturer)




A.D. Petrenko, Professor, is the Research Adviser of the Department, under his guidance many Candidate theses have been defended in Kyiv at the National University named after Taras Shevchenko. The Professors of the Department deliver research within the framework on the theme “Variations in Language and Speech”, in Theory of Phonetics, Lexicology, Stylistics, Theory of Grammar, Cultural Studies, Theory and History of Translation, Sociolinguistics, Theory of Linguistics. The Department provides annual admittance in postgraduate course in the Germanic and Roman languages, Translation.



The Department cooperates with scientific and educational establishments of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, the USA, England, France and other world countries. The Professors take part in research and language probation periods, supervise practice in translation of the students of the department in Ukraine and abroad.