Это интересно

The Faculty of Geography
The Department of Geoecology


The Head of the Department

 Vladimir A. BOKOV, Professor, Doctor of Science (Geography), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Phone: +38 (0652) 60-25-04
E-mail: bokov@tnu.crimea.ua

General Information

The Department was established in 1993 on the basis of the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology when the speciality Ecology and Preservation of Environment wasopened.
There is a soil geochemical laboratory (room 331А), scientific laboratory of ecological power engineering "Solar Century" at the Department.
Field landscape and ecological researches are conducted at the station of Kara-Dag Natural Reserve.
There is a postgraduate study at the Department.

Faculty Members

  • V. A. Bokov – Professor, Doctor of Science (Geography), Honored  Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
  • T.V. Bobra – Candidate of Science (Geography), Associate Professor, the assistant manager of the Department
  • L.A. Bagrova – Candidate of Science (Geography), Associate Professor
  • L.Y. Garkusha – Candidate of Science (Geography), Associate Professor
  • A.I. Lychak – Candidate of Science (Geography), Associate Professor
  • L.Y. Sotskova –  Candidate of Science (Geography), Associate Professor
  • A.G. Panin –  Senior Teacher
  • G.A. Prokopov –  Assistant
  • A.N. Rudyk – Assistant
  • I.V. Aleksashkin –  Assistant
  • P.D. Podgorodetskiy – Candidate of Science (Geography), Professor
  • I.E. Timchenko –  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science, Professor
  • N.A. Dragan –  Candidate of Science (Agriculture), Associate Professor
  • A.S-A. Mazinov . –  Cand.Tech.Sci., Associate Professor


The speciality "Ecology and Preservation of the Environment" was opened at the Geographical Faculty at the Department of Geoecology in 1993. For the time of its existence the curriculum underwent numerous changes, constantly improving. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2004 the Standard of the Curriculum on Speciality "Ecology and Preservation of the Environment" (Bachelor level) allowed to balance quantity and the maintenance of disciplines of humanitarian and social and economic, natural-science, professional and practical preparation cycles. The preparation of students of "Bachelor", "Specialist", "Master" level is carried out. Three specializations are introduced: 1) Landscape Ecology and Ecological Inspection; 2) Territorial Planning and Ecological Audit; 3) Steady Development of Territory and Ecological Power. Simultaneously about 200 students are trained. Quality of preparation of masters on the given speciality is confirmed by the International Certificate on Recognition of Masters Level of Rennes-2 University, France.

Scientific Work

For 13 years (1993 - 2006) the Department of Geoecology has realized about 100 research projects, executed more than 40 ecological examinations, 11 international projects of INTAS, TACIS, TEMPUS, ISAR, COUNTEPART and so on.
Basic Researches

  1. Landscape and geographical maintenance of steady development, optimization of wildlife management, ecological safety on territories of the Crimean peninsula, prevention of natural and man-caused accidents:
    1. Estimation of natural resource and ecological properties of landscape systems for the purposes of optimization of ecological, social and economic development in the region;
    2. Development of landscape bases of the organization of ecological monitoring in the region and prevention of emergency situations;
    3. Regulations of ecological situations, estimation of their influence on the environment;
    4. Ecological management and audit.
  2. Landscape ecology of Crimea. The existential organization of geosystems. Nature protection network of Crimea. Landscape and biological variety. Substantiation of the maintenance and methods of geoecological researches, development of estimation system of geoecological situations, development of ecological monitoring system.
  3. Problems of geographical and ecological education.

Applied Researches

  • Existential bases of development of territorial planning.
  • Geographical bases of ecological management and audit. Ecologic and power management and audit of alternative power objects.
  • Research of forest vegetation conditions and of water-thermal conditions of mountain woods in Crimea with use of electronic automated systems of monitoring and geoinformation technologies. Model of monitoring system of ecological condition of forest ecological systems in Crimea mountains.
  • Use of GIS technologies for optimization of territorial planning. Remote probe and computer interpretation of pictures from space for the purpose of ecological modeling and forecasting.
  • Management of ecological situations.
  • Ecologic-economic substantiation of strategic development of power in Crimea.
  • Education in the field of spatial planning: in the form of post-graduate education in TNU.
  • Development of the regional program of national ecological network formation in Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
  • Substantiations of the organization of reserve territories. (For example, "The Project of Organization of Yalta Mountain Forest Natural Reserve", 2004-2005).
  • The Tempus-Tacis Fund Project "Education Development in Environmentally Safe Energetic".
  • The project supported by the Swiss Scientific Fund - "Education in Spatial Planning – in the Frame of Post-Graduate Course at the Taurida National Vernadsky University, Simferopol".


Geochemistry of Environment

Physical Geography with  Bases of Geoecology

Measuring Procedures of Environment Parameters

GIS in Ecology

Cartographical Methods in Ecology

Topography and Cartography

Evolutional Theory with Bases of Genetics

Geomorphology and Geodynamics

Water Industry

Bases of Biogeocenology


Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics


Remote Sensing of Earth

Ecological Power Engineering

Nature and Ecology of Crimea

Preservation of the Environment

Management of Stable Territory Development

Social Ecology

Bases of Nature Management

Recreation Resources and Balneology

Bases of Scientific Activity


Introduction to Speciality

Economics of Nature Management

Ecological Examination

Management Organization in Ecologic Activity

Monitoring of Environment

Ecological Law

Modeling and Forecasting of Ecological Situation

Landscape Ecology

Ecology of Human


Ecological Safety

Reservation Business

Ecology of Urban Systems

Norms of Anthropological Load on Environment

Vital Functions Safety

Bases of Labor Protection

Territorial Planning

Waste Products Management

Energy of Environment

Power Resources of the World and Ukraine

Stable Development and Power Engineering

Landscape Geophysics

Foreign Language

Territorial Planning

Waste Products Management

Historical Physical Geography

Ecogeochemistry of Landscapes

Techniques of Landscape and Ecological Researches

Engineering Geology

Aquatic Ecosystems

Landscape Melioration

Geophysics of Landscapes




Cooperation with foreign partners:

  1. Sankt Gallen University (Switzerland).
  2. Higher Technical School (Rappersville, Switzerland).

The project "Education in Spatial Planning in the Frame of a Post-Graduate Course at the Taurida National University” is carried out. The project is developing within the grant allocated by the Swiss Scientific Fund. Terms of the project - 2000-2002. Coauthors of the project: Sankt Gallen University (Switzerland), Higher Technical School (Rappersville, Switzerland), the Uniform Republican Digital Territorial Cadastre at Council of Ministers of Crimean Autonomous Republic (Simferopol).

  1. Polytechnical University of Catalonia (Spain).
  2. University Rennes-2-Department Brittany (France).

The Project "Education Development in Environmentally Safe Energetic”, financed by Tempus-Tacis Fund is carried out. Participators: Polytechnical University of Catalonia (Spain), Monpele University (France), Kharkov National University, East-Ukrainian Association on Ecologically Safe Energetic (Kharkov). Terms of the project - 2001-2003

  1. East-Caroline University, the U.S.A. A course of lectures of Doctor Harold Stone.
  2. University Rennes-2-Department, Brittany (France). Exchange of students, post-graduate students, teachers within the limits of the AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION between University RENN 2 - FROM BRITTANY. Rector Anri Le Moal Square, 35043 Rennes - France and Taurida National University (Ukraine). University Rennes 2 - Brittany is presented by its President, Professor Francois Mouret. Taurida National University is presented by its Rector, Nickolay Bagrov.
  3. The program "Estimation of Necessity of Preservation of Biodiversity in Crimea", has been carried out under aegis of the International "Biodiversity Support Program".
  4. Dutch Ecological Organization MiliContact. The project "Photo-Demonstration for Protection of Woods".
  5. Institute of Bioclimatology of the Goettingen University, Germany. Cooperation within the INTAS Project "Research of Forest Vegetation Conditions, Water-Thermal Mode and the Mode of Exogenous Geomorphologic Processes in the Crimean Mountains with the Use of Electronic Automated Systems of Monitoring and Geoinformation Technologies".
  6. Lund University, Sweden.
  7. Warsaw University (Poland).
  8. Participant of the Environmental Sciences Session of Curriculum Resource Center, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) for "Environmental Policy and Territory Management" master course development. September, 2005
  9. Participant of the post graduate course "Sediment Transport Technology", supported by DSI (General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Republic of Turkey), TIKA and UNESCO. June, 2005
  10. UNESCO (in the field of steady development).
  11. Moscow State University (Russia), Faculty of Geography, Geochemistry of Landscapes and Geography of Soils Department.

Cooperation with the International Funds and Organizations:


The Swiss Scientific Fund


East-Ukrainian Association on Ecologically Safe Energetic (Kharkov)




The International Social-Ecological Union




Movement of Teams of Wildlife Management




Black Sea Environmental Programme




Peace Corps, the USA




The Crimean Republican Association "Ecology and the World"




Association for Support of Biological and Landscape Variety of Crimea – Gurzuf-97




Republican Committee on Preservation of the Environment and Natural Resources of АRC

Publications (in original languages)

30 manuals, 13 monographies are published, two author's certificates are received.
The students’ Society of Geoecologists has been functioning since 1994 that publishes “Proceedings of Society of Geoecologists” journal.