Boris A. Vakhrushev, Professor, Doctor of Science (Geography), Candidate of Science (Geology and Mineralogy), Honoured Worker of Education of Crimean Autonomous Republic, Winner of the V.I. Vernadsky Prize, President of Small Academy of Science of Schoolchildren of Crimea.
Phone: +38 (0652) 60-85-55
E-mail: vakhb@inbox.ru
The Faculty is believed to be officially established in 1934. However, geographic courses were lectured from the very first days of the University. The foundations of the Faculty were laid by such distinguished scholars as Academicians V.I.Vernadskiy – the first president of Academy of Science of Ukraine, V.A.Obruchev – geologist, traveler, writer, N.I.Andrusov – the founder of domestic marine geology and stratigraphy, D.I.Scherbakov – Academician-Secretary of Geology-Geography Branch of Academy of Science of the USSR, V.V. Luchitsky – the founder of mineralogical and hydrological school of Ukraine, etc. 
The first dean of the Faculty was P. A. Dvoychenko, Doctor of Science (Geology and Mineralogy), a well-known expert in the field of geology and geomorphology. During the World War 2 the Faculty was headed by a well-known geographer, expert in karstology, A. U. Mamin. One of the largest karst caves in Crimea is named after him. From 1967 till 1995 Associate Professor I. G. Gubanov headed the Faculty.
At the Faculty, noble scientist worked: P.M. Murzayev – Professor of Geology, mineralogist; S.P. Popov – Professor, the Head of the Department of Geology, the Dean, Vice-Rector in different years; B.A. Fedorovich – the graduate of the University, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, the founder of teaching on deserts; major scientists- geographers and geologists, professors R. R. Vyrishkovsky, Ya. D. Albov, Ya. D. Kozin, N. I. Lysenko, the founder of domestic karstology V. I. Dubliansky; economic geographers professors V.Deshlyager, N. N. Mironenko, I. Yuniev, I. Tverdokhlebov, and others.
General Information
There are 5 chairs at the Faculty. More than 60 Faculty members include eight Professors: N.V.Bagrov, Hero of Ukraine, Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Honoured Member of Ukrainian National Education, Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine, Member of the National Committee of Geographers of Ukraine and the Presidium of the Ukrainian Geographic Society; B. A. Vakhrushev, Honoured Worker of Education of Crimean Autonomous Republic; V.A. Bokov, Honoured Member of Science and Technology of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC), Winner of the ARC State Prize; A. N. Oliferov, Academic Adviser at the Ukrainian Academy of Technologic Cybernetics, Winner of the ARC State Prize; V. G. Yena, Hounoured Member of Ukrainian National Education, Winner of the ARC State Prize; E. A. Pozacheniuk, Winner of the ARC State Prize, I. Ye. Timchenko, Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine, I.M. Yakovenko, Winner of the V. I. Vernadsky Prize; and 24 Associate Professors and Candidates of Sciences.
Since 1960, more than 60 graduates of the Faculty have defended candidate theses. Nearly 600 students study on daytime basis or by correspondence. In 1994 the specialized Academic Council was organized at the Faculty to defend master's theses in Physical Geography, Geophysics and Landscape Geochemistry, and in 1999 – in Constructive Geography and Rational Wildlife Management.
On the basis of the Faculty, the Crimean Department of the Ukrainian Geographical Society is formed and Research Center of Sustainable Development Technologies works with Executive Director, associate Professor S.A. Karpenko at the head.
Areas of Research
Problems of rational wildlife management, landscape studies, karst studies, oceanology, geology, geomorphology, economic, social and recreational geography, history of geography. Expeditionary researches with participation of students are widely practised.
At the Faculty, the laboratory of karst and speleology is organized under guidance of B.A.Vakhrushev, the Dean. In the laboratory, South Ukrainian Center of Cadastre and Registration of Caves is formed headed by a member of Presidium of Ukrainian Speleological Association Associate Professor G.N.Amelichev. Students of the Faculty take an active part in the laboratory activities and speleology club.
Scientists of the Faculty introduce their researches in the national economy, publish more than 100 popular scientific works annually, and are authors of many numerous articles in fundamental journals.
There are four scientific schools at the Faculty: Recreational Geography (founded by Professor I.T.Tverdokhlebov); Karstology (founded by Professor V.N.Dublianskiy) and Geoecology (founded by professor V.A.Bokov), and Regional Geopolitics and Political Geography (founded by professor N.V. Bagrov).
During its 74-year existence, the Faculty has prepared more than 6000 specialists. Among its graduates there are Academician D.I. Shcherbakov, Correspondent Member, Hero of Ukraine N.V. Bagrov; Professors S.V. Albov, G.V. Balabanov, R.I. Burda, V.G.Yena, A.V. Kovalev, N. I. Lysenko, N.S. Mironenko, M.V.Yurakhno, the founder of teachings on deserts B.A. Fedorovich, etc.
Academic and Educational Relations
Relations are maintained with the Faculties of Geography at Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv Odessa and Chernivtsy Universities, Moscow, St.Petersburg and Perm State Universities in Russia, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) Institute of Geography, the NASU Institute of Marine Hydrophysics, the NASU Institute of Southern Seas Biology and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Institute of Geography.
Graduates Profile
Students are trained in three areas: Geography Ecology and Environmental Protection and Tourism.
Geography. Graduates in Geography obtain the qualification of the Specialist/Master of Geography.
Ecology and Environmental Protection. Graduates with this speciality acquire the qualification of the Specialist/Master in Ecology.
Tourism. Graduates with this speciality acquire the qualification of the Specialist/Master in Tourism.
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