Leonid Alekseevich PASHKOVSKY, Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Science
Phone:+38 (0652) 60-28-00
E-mail: pashkovsky@tnu.crimea.ua
History of this Faculty dates back to the creation of Taurida National University in October 1918. A. N. Derevitskiy, a renown expert in world culture, was the first Dean of the former Faculty of History and Linguistics. World known scholars lectured at this Faculty, including Professor G. V. Vernadskiy (son of V. I. Vernadskiy), Professors B. D. Grekov and N. L. Ernst, Private-Associate Professor A. I. Markevich (later a Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Science), and others.
General Information 
Young specialists, graduates of the Faculty are prepared to work according to the state order and regional interests of Crimea, the Blacksea-Mediterranean basin. They successfully work in institutes of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, in higher educational institutions, high schools, licea, grammar schools, archives – as advisers, consultants, assistants of heads in organizations, including international organizations, in system of science institutions, educational and cultural establishments. The opportunity of postgraduate and doctoral training in Ukraine and leading universities of foreign countries is given to talented graduates.
"HISTORY", term of training of the specialist-historian, master-historian is 5 years. Specializations: History of Ukraine, Study of Documents, Archival Business, History of Russia, Museology, Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage, History of Foreign Countries, History of International Relations, Ancient History, History of Middle Ages, Archeology, Bizantiology, History of European Cultures.
At term of training 4 years qualification "Bachelor of History" is given.
At term of training 4 + 1 year qualification "Master of History" is given.
At term of training 4 + 1 year qualification "Specialist of History" is given.
Scientific Work
Scientists of Historical Faculty conduct researches in scientific directions of specialities and departments:
- History of Ukraine and Crimea
- History of foreign countries, history of international relations
- History of Russia
- Archeology, ancient history, history of Middle Ages
- Philosophy of culture
- Interethnic relations, conflictology
- Culture of people of Crimea
Academic and Educational Relations
The Historical Faculty successfully cooperates in the field of scientific researches with a number of institutes Of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev National, Donetsk National, Dnepropetrovsk National, Zaporozhye and other universities of the country.
One of specific directions of scientific activity of the Historical Faculty is the international contacts. The brisk contacts were established between scientists of the departments of history of Ukraine, of ancient world and Middle Ages with scientific employees of universities of Ruhr (Germany), Innsbruck (Austria), Glasgow (Great Britain), institutes, universities and academies of Moscow, Vologda, Kursk and Samara within the limits of the International Consortium on studying history of the European cultures.
The faculty of Ancient History and Middle Ages has contracts on scientific cooperation with Warsaw and Lodz universities (Poland), and also with university of Caen (France). With the French archeologists joint researches were carried out in the Lower Normandy and in Crimea.
Stable scientific cooperation is carried out between the Department of New and Newest History and Institute of History of Yagellon University (Krakow, Poland). The exchange of student's groups, joint conferences and publications of scientific reports under the program "Poland – Ukraine – Crimea: History, the Present, Prospects". is carried out.
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