Это интересно

The Faculty of History
The Department of Modern and Contemporary History


The Head of the Department

Leonid Alekseevich PASHKOVSKY, Professor, Candidate of Historical Science
Phone:+38 (0652) 60-28-00
E-mail: pashkovsky@tnu.crimea.ua


The Department was established in 1976 as the result of division of the Department of General History. Associate Professor P.K. Tarasov directed the Department from its origin.

Scientific Work

Coverage of insufficiently studied periods in new and newest history of the countries of Europe, America, Asia and Africa. Research of values, norms of behaviour, collective perception of the world by peoples of foreign countries. Studying history of formation and realization of national and international strategy of development in the context of global challenges of XXI century. History of the international organizations.
There is a postgraduate study at the Department.

Graduates Profile

World history; the historians investigating history of foreign countries of new and newest time, specializing on history of the international relations. Graduates are prepared for work in the system of national education, in the state bodies, in humanitarian and public organizations, in the analytical centers.

Graduates work in higher educational institutions, schools, various institutes of NAS of Ukraine, in party, state and governmental bodies, mass media.


History of International Relations, History of Foreign Countries.


  • History of the Countries of Western Europe and Northern America of New Time. History of International Relations in New Time. History and the Computer (S.P. Gorlyanskiy, Associate Professor);
  • History of Southern and Western Slavs. Diplomatic History of the Balkans of XX century. History of Capitals of Foreign Slavic Countries (L.A. Pashkovsky , Associate Professor);
  • History of the Countries of Asia and Africa. History of the Middle-Eastern Conflict. History of Palestine (S.S. Shchevelev, Doctor of Historical Science, Associate Professor);
  • The Newest History of the Countries of Western Europe and Northern America. Diplomatic History of the Second World War. History of the USA during the Newest Time. History of Diplomacy (S.V. Yurchenko, Professor);
  • The Newest History of the Countries of Western Europe and Northern America. World History of XX Century (D.V. Dorofeev, Assistant).
  • Modern Foreign Historiography. American-Turkish Contacts in the System of International Relations (A.A. Irkhin, Senior Lecturer);
  • History of Southern and Western Slavs. History of Central and Eastern Europe (L.A. Kicha, Assistant);
  • National Problems of the Modern World. (E.V. Bebeshko, Assistant);


Academic and Educational Relations: with institutes of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev T.G. Shevchenko National University, Donetsk National university, Dnepropetrovsk National University, Zaporozhye State University.
International contacts: Institute of History of Yagelonsky University (Krakow, Poland), Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies of Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Military History of Defense Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow), Institute of the USA and Canada of Russian Academy of Science, Queen’s University (Canada), Roosevelt Memorial Library (New York), W. Churchill's Fund (Great Britain). The scientists of the Department reported at the international symposiums (Professor S.V. Yurchenko (the USA), Associate Professor L.A. Pashkovsky (Czechia) Associate Professor S.P. Gorlyanskiy (the USA)); they publish their scientific works in foreign countries (Doctor of Historical Sciences M.F. Slinkin in Afghanistan).

Publications (in original languages)