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Faculties and Institutes


Тhe Faculty of Management


The Department of Foreign Economic Operations Management

  The Head of the Department  

KRAMARENKO Valentina I., Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine

  Phone: +38 0652 63-75-97
E-mail: intermanag@crimea.edu

The Chair of Foreign Economic Operations Management was established at the Management Faculty by the rector’s order on 23rd May, 2001. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Kramarenko Valentina Ilinichna was elected as a head of the Chair.

Staff formation took place in the early years of the Chair’s activity. Formation of the staff was completed by the 2004-2005 academic years, when there were 13 people employed. In 2001-2002 academic years two professors, three associate professors, four senior lecturers, four lecturers had worked at the chair. In 2004 – 2005 there were two professors, five associate professors, five senior lecturers and one lecturer. During this period the share of associate professors and professors increased from 38,5% to 53,8%, the number of by-workers reduced from seven to three lecturers. There were 11 members in the Chair’s scientific and pedagogical staff in 2008-2009 academic years: two professors - V.I. Kramarenko, V.V. Chepurko (by-worker), five associate professors – K. N. Onishchenko, N. I. Tverdokhlebov, O.M. Kuzmina, S.M. Vyazovik, A.V. Martovoy, senior lecturer S. P. Sedlova and three lecturers G. K. Volskaya, E.A. Kamenskih, and S.K. Onishchenko. As a result, share of faculty members awarded with the doctoral degrees increased to 72.7%. In 2009 – 2010 academic years the following changes took place in the teaching staff: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V.V. Chepurko left the Chair, when lecturer E.A. Kamenskih was promoted to the position of senior lecturer.

13 disciplines on the specialities “Management of Organizations” and “Foreign Economic Operations Management” as well as guidance of course works, theses and practical training were assigned for the Chair in the first year of activity. Since 2002-2003 academic years training of bachelors, specialists and masters on the speciality “Foreign Economic Operations Management” was held in accordance with new academic curriculum, which was developed according to the new state standards. The quantity of disciplines, assigned to the Chair, had increased to 41 by 2004-2005 academic years. For the first time the Chair’s staff began to teach not only 16 new specialized courses, but also they had developed complete sets of educational and methodological complexes in all disciplines. In 2009-2010 academic years a new sector’s standard of the higher school of Ukraine was accepted according to which the curriculum had changed on the basis of the new educational-professional program of bachelor training in the educational feld 6.030601 “Management and administration”.

Long-term scientific and pedagogical activity of the head of the Chair, Professor V.I.Kramarenko resulted in a high public appraisal:

  • In 2006 she was awarded by the honour rank " The Honoured worker of Education of Autonomous Republic of Crimea "
  • In 2006 she was elected as an Academician of the Academy of sciences of Higher School of Ukraine.

General information


Guidance of postgraduate students and applicants is conducted at the Chair on such directions as:
08.00.04. – economics, organization and enterprise management;
accordingly new specializations of masters "Foreign Economic Operations Management" training were introduced and appropriate specialized courses were developed.


Postgraduate course (2001 - 2010)


Applicants (2002 - 2006)


Scientific and educational contacts and relations of the Chair (2001 - 2010)


International Relation of the Chair (2001 - 2009)


  • Bologna University (Italy)
  • Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester (Great Britain)
  • Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov (Russian Federation, Moscow)
  • Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Belarus)
  • Research center of Association of Slovak foreign policy (Slovak, Bratislava)
  • University of Paris 13;  IUT de Saint-Denis (France, Paris)
  • Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering; National University of Science & Technology (Islamabad, Pakistan)


Members of the Chair participated in the following international projects:

Programme or initiative Reference number Title of the Project Coordinator
TEMPUS TACIS JEP-10304/97 Environmental Economics in the south of Ukraine, 1998-2001  University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France)
TACIS EDUK 9801 Support to management education in Crimea, 1999 - 2000 Helsinki Consulting Group Oy.
NIS College and University Partnership Program CFDA 19.405 Strengthening teaching and outreach capabilities in business and management education
at Tavrida National University, Ukraine, under a market-oriented economy, 2000-2004
Alabama A&M University (Huntsville, USA)
NIS College and University Partnership Program   Conflict Analysis and Resolution, 2000 - 2003 George Mason University (USA)
TEMPUS TACIS MJEP-21224-2000 Reseau de mobilites "Europe-mer noire”, 2001 - 2004 University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France)
TEMPUS TACIS JEP 26193 - 2005 Crisis Analysis and Decision Making In Ukraine  (2005 - 2008); University of Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany)


Teaching staff (2001 - 2010)

2010 – 2011

In the reporting year 11 people were employed:
Professor – 1 (V.I. Kramarenko)
Associate professors - 5 (K.N. Onishchenko, O.M. Kuzmina, N. I. Tverdokhlebov,  S.M. Vyazovik, A.V. Martovoy)
Senior lecturers-2(S.P. Sedlova and E.A. Kamenskih)
Lecturers -2(G.K. Volskaya, S.K. Onishchenko)
Senior laboratory assistant -1 (A.V. Pashentseva)



The following academic disciplines on specialities "Management of Organizations", "Foreign Economic Operations Management" and "Management" are fixed for the Chair:

  • 2001 – 2010

  • 2010 – 2011
    • Teaching methods in higher school.
    • Economics and organization of world commerce;
    • Tax systems of foreign countries;
    • Customs  business;
    • International credit – settlement and currency operations;
    • Exchange control;
    • Management of  export and  import operations;
    • Financial analysis of foreign economic operations;
    • Risk management in international business;
    • Modern conception and technologies of international logistics;
    • Risks in foreign economic operations;
    • International audit;
    • Analysis and accounting in foreign economic operations;
    • Occupational safety in a sector;
    • Methods of  economic researches;
    • International economic organizations;
    • World market infrastructure;
    • International trade;
    • International business;
    • International statistics;
    • International management;
    • International economics;
    • Economic integration;
    • International marketing;
    • International economic relations;
    • Foreign economic operations management;
    • Marketing research of foreign economic operations;
    • Business French;
    • Advertising and promotion in foreign economic operations;
    • Fundamentals of foreign economic operations;
    • Fundamentals of managerial consultancy;
    • Government regulation of foreign economic operations;
    • Standardization and certification;
    • Transport provision of logistic processes;
    • Insurance in foreign economic operations.

Educational work


An educational work of the Chair includes:

  • implementation in all operating education forms of all types of educational lessons, provided by working  academic curriculums and programmes;
  • complex methodical provision of  chair’s academic disciplines study by means of a development and publishing of textbook, training  manuals, instructional- methodical materials for seminars, practical and  laboratorial lessons, methodical materials for self-dependent study of special literature, writing course works, theses and master’s works by students;
  • Making reviews for textbooks and for other educational- methodical literature.

Methodical work


A methodical work of the Chair included:

  1. Lectures, supporting summaries, methodical materials for seminars, practical and laboratorial lessons;
  2. Discussion of organizational and methodical questions:
    • carrying out of the state examination on graduation courses; presentation of theses and master's works by students of full-time and postal tuition;
    • confirmation of the schedule for theses and master's works presentation;
    • organization of the consultation for students of full-time and postal tuition;
    • discussion and preparation of requirements for all kinds of practical training passing;
    • graduating students instruction on organization and implementation of practical training;
  3. Preparation of methodical materials for external students for the state examination on bachelor's degree;
  4. Winter and summer examinations period summing up;
  5. Development and discussion of methodical recommendations for writing theses and master's works;
  6. Development of educational methodical complex on disciplines for new courses and gathering of existing.

The Chair's methodical work for publication of educational - methodical manuals is developing actively:

  • In 2002 -2003 academic years 6 educational manuals were published, including 3 with the stamp of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Some of them are the flowing: “Teaching methods of international economic relations” (Simferopol: Crimeauchpedgiz, 2002. – 196 p.  – 12, 25 p.l.); “Personnel management in a firm” (Simferopol: NAEPRD, 2002. – 261 p.  – 12 p.l.), prepared edited by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V.I. Kramarenko.
  • In 2002 -2003 academic years 8 educational manuals were published, including 3 with the stamp of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The following should be mentioned: “Resource management of an enterprise” (Simferopol: Taurida, 2003.- 272 p. – 12 p.l.); “Exchange business” (Kiev: CUL, 2003.- 258p.- 17,1 p.l.); “Management”.
  • In 2004 -2005 academic years 7 educational manuals were published with a total volume of 109.4 printing lists, including 5 with the stamp of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Some of them are as follows: “International business” (Simferopol: Taurida, 2004. – 224p. – 12 p.l.), prepared under the direction of and edited by Professor V.I. Kramarenko, in which 8 workers of the Chair are authors of sections.
  • In 2005-2006 academic years one more educational aid were published with the stamp of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine edited by professor V.I. Kramarenko and A.P. Rumiantseva – “Fundamentals  of foreign economic operations” (Simferopol: Taurida, 2005. – 268p. –16, 75 p.l.). Seven of nine authors are lecturers of the Chair. In whole in 2005- 2006 academic years three educational manuals were prepared and published on the Chair.
  • In 2007 -2008 academic years an methodical work was conducted for a training of new educational manuals, six of which received an approval in the Methodological commission of Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science in October, 2008: “Concept of professional activity” (V.I. Kramarenko, G.K.Volskaya); “International statistics” (V.I. Kramarenko, K.N. Onishchenko); “International audit” (V.I. Kramarenko, K.N. Onishchenko); “Tax system of foreign countries” (S.M. Vyazovik); “Customs operations” (S.M. Vyazovik); “International credit – settlement and currency operations” (S.M. Vyazovik).
  • In 2008 – 2009 academic years 10 educational manuals were published: “International economic relations” (O.M. Kuzmina); “Marketing research of foreign economic operations” (O.M. Kuzmina); “Foreign Economic Operations Management” (O.M. Kuzmina); “International marketing” (O.M. Kuzmina); “Concept of professional activity” (V.I. Kramarenko, G.K.Volskaya); “International audit” (V.I. Kramarenko, K.N. Onishchenko); “International statistics” (V.I. Kramarenko, K.N. Onishchenko); “Tax system of foreign countries” (S.M. Vyazovik); “Customs operations” (S.M. Vyazovik); “International credit – settlement and currency operations” (S.M. Vyazovik).
  • In 2009- 2010 academic years 6 educational manuals were published, one of which with the stamp of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: “Tax system of foreign countries” (S.M. Vyazovik) – recommended by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (list № 1/11-5880 of 1st July, 2010); “Management of  export and  import operations” (S.M. Vyazovik); “International credit – settlement and currency operations” (S.M. Vyazovik); “Customs operations” (S.M. Vyazovik); “Present-day world markets opportunities of goods and services”(O.M. Kuzmina);  “International economic relations” (O.M. Kuzmina)

Pedagogical work


An pedagogical work on the Chair is executed in compliance with the plan, approved on the Academic council of the faculty.

  1. Implementation of an educational work in educational groups:
    • Organization of individual discussions about a current progress;
    • Report of senior students of the year on the Chair’s session about an attendance and a current progress of students;
    • Holding evenings for questions and answers in educational groups;
    • An organization and conduct of  educational – production excursions with students on the enterprises and organizations of Simferopol;
    • Work with active students
  2. Execution  of works with first-year students on adaptation questions in an educational profession and  vocational guidance (organization of discussions “About specialities of “Foreign Economic Operations Manager ”);
  3. Organization of student meetings with entrepreneurs which working in a foreign-economic activity;
  4. The Chair’s educational work also include an academic advisement institute: all lecturers are supervising professor of educational group on the speciality “Foreign Economic Operations Management”;
  5. Starting from 2002 year the periodically student newspaper “FUNT” is published under the direction of associate professor S.M. Vyazovik, which include the following rubrics: “An interview with interesting people” – with heads of the faculty and entrepreneurs, “Dean's office notes”, “Information for future manger”, “Page of first-year student”, “Students creation”, “Students participation in a scientific life of the chair” at alias.
  6. In different years during week-ends the chair’s lecturers organized trips for first-year, second-year and  third -year students on Crimean historical places, visiting museums (Sevastopol, Balaklava, Alushta, Yalta, Feodosiya), trips in Crimean nature reserves (Yalta, Alushta, Kazantip); in Nikitsky botanic garden; palaces of Crimean southern coast. Members of international scientific conferences, which were organized by the chair in 2003, 2005-2010 years, took part in such trips.

Organizational work


The Chair of Foreign Economic Operations Management is not only a basic educational- methodical and scientific organization department of management faculty of Taurida National University by V.I. Vernadsky, but also put into practice a great organizational work.

V.I. Kramarenko is a member of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University special council on defence of doctoral dissertations; a member of academic senate of the Management faculty; a member of educational – methodical commission of the Management faculty and a member of Scientific and methodical commission “Management” of Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science.

S.M. Vyazovik: a member of editorial board of management faculty’s newspaper “FUNT”; a deputy dean of management faculty on an educational work.

O.M. Kuzmina: a chairperson of Council of Student research scientific work of the Management faculty.

K.N. Onishchenko:  a member of faculty academic council; a deputy director of the Chair of “Foreign Economic Operations Management”; a deputy dean of the Management faculty on a scientific work.

N.I. Tverdokhlebov, E.A. Kamenskih - responsible for undergoing practical and management training by students.

A.V. Martovoy: responsible for placement of electronic variants of an educational – methodical complex on a discipline in an university internal server.

S.P. Sedlova: a chairperson of “Club of French amateurs”


Scientific work (2003 - 2010)


Research scientific work of students (2002 – 2010 гг.)

