Galina Yurievna Bogdanovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor
The Vice-Dean on Academic Work
Sergey Mikhailovich DIBROVA, the teacher of the Department of Interlingual Communication and Journalism
The Vice-Dean on Educational Work
Sergey Olegovich KURIANOV, the teacher of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature
Phone (0652) 51-81-80
E-mail: philology@tnu.crimea.ua
The Structure of the Faculty
- The Department of Russian Linguistics
The Head of the Department Alexander Nikolaevich Rudyakov, Doctor of Philology, Professor
Phone +38 (0652) 51-81-80
- The Department of Russian and Foreign Literature
The Head of the Department Vladimir Pavlovich Kazarin, Doctor of Philology, Professor
Phone +38 (0652) 63-30-27
- The Department of Interlingual Communication and Journalism
The Head of the Department Galina Yurievna Bogdanovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor
Phone +38 (0652) 51-81-80
- The Department of Philological Disciplines Teaching Method
The Head of the Department Tatiana Antonovna Yashchenko, D.Phil.Sci., Professor
Phone +38 0652 60-80-60
The history of the Department begins on October, 14th, 1918 when the Taurida University was opened. In November, 1920 the Historico-Philological Faculty was transformed into Philosophico-Literary Faculty, and in June, 1921 – into the Faculty of Social Studies. In January, 1922 the Pedagogical Branch of the Faculty of Social Studies was reorganized into Pedagogical Institute (the Dean P.I. Novitsky). The Oriental Faculty joined the Pedagogical Faculty, and to two former departments of Literary-Historical branch (Literary-Linguistic and Historical) another four were added: Linguistic, Oriental Studies, Natural and Physico-Technical. The Faculty moved in the building of former grammar school of Stanishevskaya.
The Pedagogical Faculty of the Crimean University was transformed into Pedagogical Institute in winter of 1925. In the 1920-1930’s known scientists: Academician V.I. Borkovskiy, Academician B.D. Grekov, Academician of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR N.K. Gudzij, Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR E.V. Petukhov., Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.N. Markevich, Professors A.M. Lukyanenko, A.N.Derevitskiy, G.M. Maksimovich, А.А. Sokolov, and others worked at the Faculty.
In the middle of 1930s on the basis of Historico-Philological Faculty the Departments of the Russian Language and Literature, of the Tartar Language and Literature were created.
During the war of 1941-1945 the Faculty, as all University, was evacuated to Makhachkala. Academic and organizational work these years was conducted by the Head of the Department of the Russian Language Associate Professor A.I. Germanovich and the Head of the Department of Literature of V.D. Bromshtein.
After returning to Simferopol, the teachers and students of the Literary Faculty actively participated in restoration of academic and educational material resources of the Institute. Among the young teachers who were invited to work at the Faculty, there was a talented linguist Associate Professor V.N. Migirin.
The dean of Historico-Philological Faculty in 1951-1955 was Associate Professor S.A. Sekirinskiy, in 1955 for 1963 – Associate Professor V.D. Pavlichenko.
In 1955 the branch of the Ukrainian Language and Literature was organized at the Faculty.
In 1960s there were 5 departments at the Faculty: of the Russian Language (the Head – Professor V.N. Migirin), Russian and Foreign Literature (Associate Professor M.I. Novikova), the Ukrainian Language and Literature (Associate Professor P.M. Kirichek), History of the USSR (Associate Professor M.M. Maksimenko), General History (Associate Professor S.A. Sekirinsky). In 1968 the Department of Techniques of Language and Literature (the Head – Associate Professor А.А Solovieva) was organized. The Dean of the Historico-Philological Faculty from 1963 to 1970 was Associate Professor V.N. Kulipanova. In 1972 due to the transformation of the Crimean Teacher's Institute into Simferopol University, the Historico-Philological Faculty was divided into Historical and Philological Faculties. From 1970 to 1981 the Dean of the Faculty was Associate Professor V.M. Ronginsky. From 1981 to 2004 the Faculty was headed by Professor E.S. Regushevskiy.
Professors A.I. Germanovich, V.N. Migirin, O.M. Sokolov, E.P. Driagin, V.P. Meshcheryakov, Associate Professors A.M. Nazarova, V.P. Utkina, G.S. Makarenko, M.A. Novikova, B.N. Perzeke, V.V. Kostenko, P.I. Stepanov, A.E. Kiselev, V.N. Mikhaylov, A.I. Bogutskaya, senior teacher B.B. Trakhtenberg fruitfully worked at the Philological Faculty for many years. On January, 17th, 2005 the Philological Faculty was divided into two: the Faculty of Slavic Philology and Journalism and the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Ukrainian Study. The Dean of the Faculty of Slavic Philology and Journalism was elected Doctor of Philology, Professor Galina Yurievna Bogdanovich.
Faculty Members
There are 4 departments in the structure of the Faculty where 77 employees work, including 36 Candidates of Philological Science, 11 Professors:
G.Yu. Bogdanovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Crimean Scientific-Methodical Centre of Education Management of NPA of Ukraine and TNU, the Dean of the Faculty of Slavic Philology and Journalism, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences of branch "Problems of Science Methodology and Globalization".
L.M. Borisova, Doctor of Philology, Professor, the Vice-President of Specialized Academic Council D 52.051.05 on defending of theses for a doctor's degree on the speciality "Russian Literature", a member of Academic council of TNU.
V.P. Kazarin, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chairman of Specialized Academic Council D 52.051.05 on defending of theses for a doctor's degree on the speciality "Russian Literature", a member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, the editor-in-chief of three scientific collections of works, the Vice-Rector on the international connections and Bologna Process, the Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of TNU.
O.L. Kalashnikova, Doctor of Philology, Professor, a member of two Specialized Councils on defending of theses on the speciality "Russian Literature" and " Russian and Foreign Literature " (Dnipropetrovsk National University).
N.A. Kobzev, Professor, Chairman of "Kalliera", the editor-in-chief of the journal "Black Sea".
M.A. Novikova, Doctor of Philology, Professor, a member of Specialized Council D 52.051.05 on defending of theses for a doctor's degree on the speciality "Russian Literature".
L.A. Orekhova, Doctor of Philology, Professor, a member of Specialized Council on defending of theses for a candidate’s degree on the speciality "Russian and Foreign Literature" of Dnipropetrovsk National University.
E.N. Sidorenko, Professor of the Department of Russian linguistics. From 1998 to 2001 was the Head of the Department of the Crimean State Industrial-Pedagogical Institute.
Ye. S.Regushevskiy, Professor, the Honoured Worker of National Education of Ukraine. Awarded with a sign "Honours Man of Education of Ukraine" of the Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine, a sign "Honours Man of Higher Education " of the Ministry for Higher Education of the USSR, a medal "The Builder of Ukraine" of All-Ukrainian T.G.Shevchenko Partnership "Prosvita", medals "For Valorous Work", "Veteran of Labour".
A.N.Rudiakov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, the Head of the Department of Russian Linguistics, the Rector of the Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, the co-chairman of Crimean Branch of Ukrainian Society of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature. For the contribution to development of linguistics was awarded with award of St Nestor the Analler, the medal to "Adherent of Education" of Russian Academy of Sciences.
A.M. Emirova, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, the Honored Worker of Science and Engineering of Ukraine, a member of specialized academic council D 52.051.51 of TNU, the head of the expert group of Scientific-Methodical Council of Ministry for Education of Crimea, a member of public editorial council of the journal "Culture of Peoples of Black Sea Coast".
Scientific Researches
In the field of scientific researches the Faculty works in following directions: lexical and grammatical semantics, cultural-national component of the communications, dialogue of cultures, the verbal and nonverbal communication, psychologo-pedagogical reference points of communicative activity, philosophy and the theory of language, methodology of linguistics, theoretical problems of nomination and semantics, functional analysis of the text, linguistics of the text, stylistics of works of art, development of functional model of language, lexical and word-formation semantics, practical lexicography, cognitive linguistics, analysis and interpretation of the text, language picture of the world, concept sphere of language, language person, cognitive activity of the person, emotive semantics, syntactic units in functional-communicative aspect, processes of transitivity of parts of speech, semantics of syntactic words, typology of auxiliary parts of speech in languages with different structures, feature of functioning of languages in polyethnic space of Crimea, technique of teaching Russian language and literature in secondary and higher school, technique of teaching Russian as foreign language, problems of functioning of language units, modern journalistic technologies, language of mass-media and culture of daily dialogue, media-education: problems of preparation of journalists, prospects of development of the market of advertising and PR in modern conditions, feature of creativity of the journalist in the polyethnic society, information space of Crimea; literature and culture: global and regional aspects, Crimea and historico-literary process, A.S. Pushkin and Crimea, romanticism as the recreating type of art, problem of genre and modern theoretical idea, crosscultural aspect of modern literary criticism, altruism and moral bases of Russian poetry of XIX century, meditativity as organic feature of poetic style of the Silver Age, a phenomenon of "underground" in poetics of F. Dostoevsky, Russian emotionalism of 1920th years and problems of overcoming of crisis of art, a role of mythological-poetic structures in creative evolution of A.S. Pushkin, poetics of art-individual systems in literary process of the first half of XIX century (Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol), time as a philosofico-psychological problem in I. Annenskiy and A. Akhmatova's lyrics, dramatic art of Russian symbolism and symbolist theory of life creativity, interaction of the epic, drama and lyrical beginning in small prosaic genre of the Russian literature of the end of XIX century, etc.
The graduates of the Department are given the qualification of the specialist (master) – “Philologist. The Teacher of the Russian Language and Literature ".
Directions of specializations: Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Journalistic Work in Press and News Agencies, TV-Radio-Journalism, Literary Criticism, Techniques of Teaching Russian as Foreign Language, Techniques of Teaching Russian Language and Literature at School.
Research Work with Students
At the Department the research work of formation of the high professional level of graduates is conducted. Problems investigated: of intercultural communication, cultural-language specificity of the interethnic communications, modern Russian in multilingual-cultural situation of Crimea, interactive linguistic texts, computer linguistics (compiling of the electronic dictionary), a political discourse; Web-courses on study of English language, communicative technologies, electronic communications, linguistics and linguists on the Internet (the electronic collection), mathematics and language, sports journalism, cultural-educational function of the Ukrainian programs: prospects of development, the problem of the copyright, interethnic problematic of printed mass-media, advertising as the marketing communications, features of presentation of PR-texts, national mass-media in opposition to the international terrorism, mass-media and social tolerance, problems of construction of an explanatory -word-formation dictionary of composites, bases of teolinguistics, linguistics of language senses, onomaciological units, non-standard syntactic links, development of the techniques of teaching Russian language and literature in secondary and higher school, techniques of teaching Russian as foreign language; techniques of teaching literature. In the field of literary criticism such problems are investigated: the myth about Crimea in A.I. Kuprin's creative works, the Crimean war and poetry of N.V. Berg, the Crimean war in poetry of P.A. Vyazemskiy, the Crimean poetry of "the New Wave" of 1890th years: problems of poetics, a category of art in A. Grin's aesthetic representation, poetic levels of a cycle of verses of M. Voloshin "Cimmerian spring ", the lyrical hero of poetry of A. Ivanov in the modern world, symbolism and its reflection in D.S. Merezhkovskiy's prose (in the novel "Sunday gods"), etc.
Scientific Contacts
The Faculty closely cooperates with A.A. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of NASU, NASU Institute of the Ukrainian Language, NASU Institute of Literature, Lvov National I. Franko University, St.-Petersburg University, Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (Moscow), Moscow State Linguistic University, V.V. Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language, the Center of Computer Training of Leeds (Great Britain), Laboratory of Milan University (Italy), Institute of Russian "RUSSICUМ" (Bochum, Germany), Institute of Humanitarian and Political Researches (Bern, Switzerland), Institute of Russian Philology (Opole, Poland), Sorbonne university (France), Cambridge University (Great Britain), Krakow University (Poland), Krakow Pedagogical Academy, Warsaw University, University of M. Sklodowska-Curie in Lublin, N. Copernicus University, Catholic University in Lublin, Department of German and Russian Languages of Willamette University (USA).
Publications (in original languages) |