The Faculty of Slavic Philology and Journalism
The Department of Philological Disciplines Teaching Method
The Head of the Department |
History The Department of Philological Disciplines Teaching Method was organized in March, 1968. The problem of the Department was preparation of the qualified teachers of the Russian Language and Literature for schools of the USSR, including for Uzbekistan (all the country helped this republic after destructive earthquake in Tashkent) at the Philological Faculty. The Department was organized and headed by A.A.Solovieva, Cand.Phil.Sci., Associate Professor, the Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, nowadays Honoured Professor of TNU. At that time the Department was called the Department of Russian Language and Literature Teaching Method. From the date of the foundation of the Department till his death Professor A.I. Germanovich worked here. Since 1972 the Department worked on teaching Russian to foreign students of the University. Those years students from more than 30 countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America were trained at different faculties: Philological, Natural, Historical, Geographical, of Foreign Philology. Many years the Department took one of the first places in Ukraine among other departments which carried out training Russian to foreign citizens. Now the Department is the methodical center for teaching Russian as Foreign Language in high schools of Crimea, and it is the only establishment of teaching Russian as Foreign Language in Crimean Autonomous Republic. Since October, 1989 the Department has been headed by T.A. Yashchenko, D.Phil.Sci., Professor. At the end of 1990s the students from Turkey and China began to be trained, in 2007 – from Algeria. Information Teachers of the Department started to master new directions of work: teaching Russian for foreigners-beginners, work with the post-graduate students of different specialities who received education in the homeland; began to introduce new forms and methods of training (computer and videocourses), new aspects (regional geography, cultural studies, intercultural communication). The staff of the Department develops problems of lexical and grammatical semantics, Russian language and literature teaching method in secondary and higher school, methods of teaching Russian as foreign language, compiling dictionaries. For 35 years of its existence, the Department published more than 400 scientific works on modern Russian, literature and methods of their teaching at school and higher school. Teachers of the Department actively participate in international scientific conferences, symposiums and congresses. Under the initiative of the Department, All-Crimean Olympiads on Russian for foreign students are conducted. The Department maintains contacts with school teachers. The leading methodologist of Crimea, Honoured worker of education of Crimean AR E.M. Sapozhnikova, brought up several generations of Crimean teachers of Russian, wrote together with G.Yu. Bogdanovich a complex of textbooks and manuals on Russian for 5-11 classes, that were recommended by Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine for Russian-speaking schools of Ukraine. Now authors are working on new educational complex focused at 12-years school education. The staff of the Department conducted in 2002-2003 seminars for teachers of schools of Crimea "Russian Literature: Theory and School Practice". Irina Mikhailovna Koltukhova organized pedagogical experiment on method of teaching of literature on the basis of secondary school # 8 of Simferopol. Education At the Department following courses are conducted: "Method of teaching of Russian"; “Method of teaching of literature"; “Special courses and seminars on individual techniques"; "Teaching of Russian as foreign language"; "Pedagogical practice"; "Direction of course and degree works on problems of method of teaching of Russian Language and Literature". Faculty Members Yashchenko, Tatiana Antonovna, Professor, the Head of the Department, Scientific interests: Functional-semantic field of casuation. The monography (in the co-authorship with Prof. M.V.Vsevolodova) is published "Cause and Effect Relations in Russian" (1988). Publications (in original languages) |