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The Faculty of Slavic Philology and Journalism
The Department of Russian and Foreign Literature


The Head of the Department

Vladimir Pavlovich KAZARIN, Professor, Doctor of Philology
Phone: +38 0652 63-30-27, 63-10-36
E-mail: crch@mail.ru


The Department of Russian and Foreign Literature was formed in October, 1918. The status of the Department later was changing, but the the Department kept the structure.
In 20 - 40th years of the XX century notable scientists-philologists: Academician of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR N.K.Gudziy, Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Philology, Professor Evgeniy Petukhov, the known scientist-slavist, the researcher of history of the ancient and Russian literature of XVIII century, Professor L.N.Derevitskiy, Associate Professor L.V.Zhiritskiy worked at the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature. Before the war, talented Associate Professor P.M.Mikhailov read the course of Russian Literature of XIX century at the Department. He was writing thesis for a doctor's degree on I.A.Goncharov's creative work. But the war interrupted his research. M. Mikhailov died heroically in the first months of occupation of Crimea. For many years years B.B. Trakhtenberg worked at the Department, reading a number of courses on Russian Literature. During the war she faught with invaders in the ranks of Crimean guerrillas.
In 50 - 70th years, Associate Professor M.I. Novikova, the expert on Antique, Foreign and Modern Literature, the allied member of The Union of Writers of the USSR, was the Head of the Department. Associate Professors P.I. Stepanov, B.N. Perzeke, G.S. Makarenko worked at the Department.
In 1975 the Department was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Evgeniy Pavlovich Dryagin. At that time, the postgraduate study began to function actively. Master's theses were protected by L.M. Borisov, R.M.Goryunova, G.A. Zyabreva, L.A. Orekhova.
Since 1984 the Department has been headed by Associate Professor (now Professor) V.P.Kazarin.
In 80 - 90th years about 20 post-graduate students and competitors (A.D. Terletskiy, N.D. Zhukova, N.D. Kireeva, Yu.A. Golodnikova, N.I. Ivanova, A.V. Malgin, G.D. Firsova, S.V. Kiselev, E.N. Sazonova, I.V. Aleksandrova, E.Y. Abramova, I.N. Shatova, E.I. Andreyko, A.N. Mazin, P.R. Ibadlaev, M.A. Prusova, V.V. Orekhov, K.K. Yakovlev, A.V. Malenko, A.I. Bronshtein, etc.) defended their theses at the Department.
Nowdays twenty two post-graduate students and competitors work on dissertations at the Department.
Since 2001 the Academic council on defending doctor's and master's theses has been working at the Department. For this time 8 doctor's and 12 master's theses have been defended.
Since 1994 the Crimean Centre of Humanitarian Researches has been working at the Department, known all over the Republic. It was organized by Professor V.P. Kazarin, and all publications of the Department staff, many international conferences, the issue of journals are carried out here.


  • History of Russian Literature of the first half of XIX century, Literary Study of Local Lore (V.P. Kazarin, Professor);
  • Theory and Practice of Translation. Fundamentals of theory of Language Communications (M.A. Novikova, Professor);
  • History of Russian Literature of XIX century. Literary Study of Local Lore (L.A. Orekhova, Professor);
  • Theory of Literature. History of Russian Literature of Siver Age. Modern Russian Literature (L.M. Borisov, Associate Professor);
  • History of Modern Russian Literature. Literary Study of Local Lore (R.M. Goryunova, Associate Professor);
  • History of Russian Literature of the end of XIX - beginning of XX century. Literary Study of Local Lore (G.A. Zyabreva, Associate Professor);
  • Theory of Literature. Literature of the Countries of the “Near Abroad”. History of Modern Literature (N.A. Kobzev, Associate Professor);
  • History of Russian Literature of the beginning of XIX century. General Course (I.V. Aleksandrova, Associate Professor);
  • Theory of Literature. History of the Old Russian Literature. History and Theory of Literary Criticism (S.O. Kurianov, Associate Professor);
  • Introduction into Literary Criticism. History of Foreign Literature (S.A. Skorokhodko, Associate Professor);
  • Latin. Antique Literature (N.K. Kerasidi, Associate Professor);
  • Introduction into Literary Criticism. History of Foreign Literature of Middle Ages and Renaissance (N.V. Zhukova, Associate Professor);
  • History of Foreign Literature (N.A. Ishchenko, Associate Professor);
  • History of Foreign Literature. Theory of Literature (V.V. Silin, Associate Professor);
  • History of Russian Literature of XX century. Russian Folklore (V.V. Lavrov, Associate Professor);
  • Russian Folklore. Old Russian Literature (S.A. Lukyanov, Associate Professor) ;
  • Russian Literature of the second half of XIX century (A.D.Terletskiy, Associate Professor).

Publications (in original languages)