Victor Ivanovich Gumenyuk, Doctor of Philological Science, Professor
Telephone: +38 0652 27-34- 10
The Department of Ukrainian Literature was founded in 1975 as a result of dividing of the Department of the Ukrainian language and literature into two departments: of the Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian Literature. By the decision of Scientific Council of the University of April, 27, 2005 (Minutes # 6) the Department of Ukrainian Literature is renamed into the Department of Theory and History of Ukrainian Literature.
Faculty Members
3 Doctors of Science, 5 Candidates of Philological Science work at the Department, 4 Assistants.
- Kirichek, Peter Maksimovich - Doctor of Philological Science, Professor;
- Tkachenko, Anatoliy Oleksandrovich - Doctor of Philological Science, Professor;
- Vishnyak, Michael Yakovich - Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor;
- Gasanova, Valentina Timofiivna - Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor;
- Pokotilo, Katerina Sidorivna - Candidate Of Philological Science, Associate Professor;
- Kirichek, Maxim Sergiyovich - Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor;
- Merzhvinskiy, Victor Volodimirovich - Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor;
- Levitska, Nelly Evgenivna - Assistant;
- Bagriy, Maria Grigorivna - Assistant;
- Mikhaylichenko, Gennadiy Borisovich - Assistant;
- Shvets Vladimir Stanislavovich - Assistant.
The employees of the Department have developed over 20 programs and syllabus of disciplines:
- History of Ukrainian Literature (of different periods);
- Introduction into Literary Criticism;
- Folk-Lore;
- History of Ukrainian Literary Criticism;
- Theory of Literature;
- Method of Teaching Ukrainian Literature at School;
- Method of Teaching Ukrainian Literature in Higher School;
- Modern Ukrainian Literature, etc.;
Special Courses:
- Emigrant Literature of ХХ Century;
- Theory of Poetry;
- Poetic Cluster of "Shistdesyatnikiv";
- Problem of Formation and Development of the Genre System in Ukrainian Literature;
- The Word of Shevchenko on the Battle-Field;
- Ways of Development of Ukrainian Dramaturgy and Theater in ХІХ Century;
- Stepan Rudanskiy;
Special Seminars:
- Features of Development of Small Prose in Ukrainian Literature;
- Figure of Woman in Ukrainian Literature of XVIII – beginning of ХХ Century;
- Ukrainian Versification;
- Poets of Prague School;
- Analysis of Artistic Work;
- Literary Study of a Particular Region;
- Development of Short Story Genre in Ukrainian Literature;
Programs of folk-lore dialectology and pedagogical practices.
Specializations: Ukrainian Literature, Folk-Lore, Theory of Literature.
The teachers of department provide teaching of 20 fundamental, professionally oriented and special disciplines, and also disciplines for other faculties of university: "Ukrainian Literature" for the faculty of Slavonic Philology and Journalism, Philosophical Faculty, "History of Ukrainian Literature" for the Faculty of Slavonic Philology and Journalism, Faculty of Foreign Philology, Philosophical Faculty, Faculty of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Philology, "Modern Ukrainian Literature" for the Faculty of Slavonic Philology and Journalism and Faculty of Foreign Philology.
Scientific Work
Line of Scientific Researches – "Development of Realism and Modernism in Ukrainian Literature", "Formation, Transformation, Modification of Kinds and Genres in Ukrainian literature".
The Department holds All-Ukrainian Scientific Conferences, devoted to the creative work of T.G. Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainka.
The Department prepares post-graduate students.
Students which are specialized at the Department of Theory and History of Ukrainian Literature participate actively in the scientific work of the Department.
- Ukraine, Simferopol, Crimean Engineer-Pedagogical University, the Department of Ukrainian Philology;
- Ukraine, Simferopol, Crimean Republican Institute of Post-Graduate Pedagogical Education;
- Ukraine, Yalta, Yalta Lesya Ukrainka Memorial Museum; Crimean Humanitarian Institute, the Department of Philology;
- Ukraine, Kyiv, Kyiv T.G. Shevchenko National University;
- Ukraine, Lviv, Lviv I.Franko National University;
- Ukraine, Poltava, Poltava V.Korolenko State University;
- Ukraine, Zaporizhia, Zaporizhia State University, the Department of Theory of Literature and Journalism;
- Poland, Lyublin, Lyublin Kuri-Sklodovska University.
Publications (in original languages) |