Dean of faculty
Gabrielyan Oleg Arshavirovich, professor, doctor of philosophical sciences
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Bodies: |
+38 (0652) 51-60-16 |
+38 (0652) 51-60-83 |
Deputies of dean
- Deputy on the advanced study - Cvetkov Alexander Petrovich, candidate of philosophical sciences, professor
- Deputy on methodical and teahery work – Moskalenko Larisa Borisovna, high teacher.
- A deputy on educate work is Katunina Natalia Yuriivna, assistant.
The first set of students on the speciality "philosophy" was carried out in 1993, when on the base of history faculty of the Simpferopol state university the philosophical separation was created. In 2000 the separations of culturology and political science were opened. On the basis of these three separations in 2003 a philosophical faculty was created.
The departments of culturology, political science of philosophy and social philosophy are base foundation of faculty. These departments provided a succession with the produced experience domestic and foreign.
At the sources of philosophical education in Crimea there were prominent thinkers, figures scientific, public which worked on different faculties of the Tavricheskogo university in 1918-1921 years:
- professor Vernadskiy V. I.;
- professor Bulgakov S. N.;
- professor Lev Shestov (L. I. Shvarcman);
- professor Novgorodcev P. I.;
- professor Kudryavtsev P. P.;
- professor Sinopalov A. K.
Special councils of defence of candidate's dissertations
At a faculty the two work the specialized scientists of council of defence of candidate's dissertations.
The specialized scientific advice K 52.051.01 is formed in the Tavrida national university in 1997. He passed re-registering in 2001 and has a right to adopt defence of dissertations on competition of graduate degree of candidate of philosophical sciences on specialities:
- 09.00.01 - anthology, gnosiology, phenomenology;
- 09.00.03 - social philosophy and philosophy of history;
- 09.00.04 - philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture.
Chairman of advice - the professor Lazarev F.V. A secretary is - associate professor Zarapin O.V.
The specialized scientific advice K 52.051.07 is formed in the Tavrida national university in 2003. He passed re-registering in 2004 and has a right to adopt defence of dissertations on competition of graduate degree of candidate of philosophical sciences on specialities:
- 23.00.02 - political institutes and processes;
- 23.00.05 - etnopolitology and etnogosudarstvology.
Chairman of advice - the professor Gabrielyan O.A. Ucheniy is a secretary - associate professor Nikolko M.V.
In compositions of advices the leading specialists of centers of Simpferopol, Sevastopol, Lugansk scientific and educational are represented. Except for the personnel training of Crimea, advices work for other regions of Ukraine. «geography» of competitors protecting dissertations in him testifies to it, which includes the cities Simpferopol, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Zaporozhia, Melitopol, Odessa, Kiev.
For period of existence of advices it is protected above 40 dissertations. All of they passed claim of VAK Ukraine.
Employment of graduating students of faculty
Young specialists, the graduating students of faculty get ready to work taking into account a state order and regional interests of Crimea. They work in institutes of higher of ARK and Ukraine successfully, secondary schools, lyceums, high schools as advisers, consultants, helpers of leaders of organizations (including international) in the system of establishments of science, educations, cultures, and also in MASS-MEDIA, public organizations and political parties.
To the graduating students the possibility of teaching in graduate school and doktoranture is given, including internship in in the leading universities of foreign countries.
Extra-mural separation
Information about the extra-mural separation on a philosophical faculty
The extra-mural separation on a philosophical faculty exists from 2003 year.
The form of teaching is commercial.
On the extra-mural separation from 2003 year two specialties are opened: - culturology and political science:
Direction of preparation: 0403 – political science
educational - qualifying levels |
qualification |
6.030104 - Bachelor |
Bachelor of political science |
7.040301 - Specialist |
A specialist is a political scientist |
8.040301 - Master's Degree |
Master's degree of political science |
Direction of preparation: 0201 - culture
educational - qualifying levels |
qualification |
6.020101 – Bachelor |
Bachelor of culturology, teacher of culturology |
7.020101 – Specialist |
A specialist is culturology, teacher of culturology |
8.020101 – Master's Degree |
Master's degree of culturology; teacher of culturology |
Duration of teaching on an educational-qualifying level is a bachelor - 4 years 10 months;
on an educational-qualifying level there is a specialist, master's degree - 10 months.
By the result of the last year of teaching of educational-qualifying level a bachelor is handing over of state examination on specialty political "Science - General theory of policy", on specialty "Culturology is History and theory of culture", educational-qualifying level the specialist - defense of diploma project, master's degree - defense of master's degree work.
The reception of students on the extra-mural separation is carried out in obedience to a state license.
At the term of teaching of 4 year the qualification "Bachelor" is appropriated (culturology, political science or philosophy accordingly).
At the term of teaching 4 + 1 year master's "Degree" or "Specialist" are appropriated to qualification.
Directions: Culturology, Political SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY.
Advanced study
On the philosophical faculty TNU there was the row of scientific directions, which reflect development of modern social-humanitarian cognition, and also their «attachment» to the concrete departments.
Kulturologicheskoe direction is concentrated in four basic river-beds.
- history of culture (professors D.S. Berestovskaya and A.V. Shvetsova, associate professors I.A. Kuryanova and L.I. Grigoreva).
The specific of the got historical and cultural developments consists of systematic attachment and co-ordination of the phenomena of world culture to rich cultural history of Crimea.
- theory of culture (professors D.S. Berestovskaya and A.D. Shorkin).
Original structural approach to the culture develops from the end of the 80th years A.D. Shorkinim. The cultures of «chart of universumov» proper to different periods vichleneni as a result.
D.S. Berestovskaya develops the deyatelnostnuyu conception of culture, complemented by semioticheskim approach. As a basis of theoretical research of culture on a faculty the methodology of sinergetiki is fixed.
- etnokulturologiya (professor Shvetsova )A.V..
A hypothesis about that a national character and identity of Ukrainians (mentality, paternalizm, individualism and t.d.) constitutes a national culture is pulled out and proved.

- Features of religion a world view, history and institutsionalnie (professor Katunin Y.A., associate professor Cvetkov A.P.).
Anthropological approach at the analysis of the phenomenon of religion is consistently conducted. First in history science the process of institualizatsii of orthodox church in USSR on the example of the Crimean diocese is fundamentally explored.
Political science direction
The bar subject of political science researches is found in a region:
- methodologies of political science (professor O.A. Gabrielyan, associate professor M.V. Nikolko, senior teacher M.V. Gasparyan, assistant L.S. Lukashevich);
- regionalistiki (associate professor A.R. Nikiforov, senior teacher A.V. Malgin, senior teacher N.V. Kiseleva);
- etnopliticheskih researches (professor O.A. Gabrielyan, professor T.A. Senyushkina, associate professor E.S. Muratova, assistant S.A. Katerusha);
- political communications (associate professor A.S. Filatov, associate professor M.V. Nikolko);
- state administration (professor O.A. Gabrielyan, professor T.A. Senyushkina, senior teacher E.A. Senyushkin).
Philosophical direction
- history of philosophy (professors L.T. Riskeldieva, A. P. Cvetkov associate professors L.S. Bekirova, V.V. Buryak, O.V. Zarapin, A.M. Timohin) with a reference point on the analysis of material (legacy Ancient-Indian and арабо-moslem) historical and philosophical, and also systematic application of method of germenevtiki and komparativistiki.
- theoretical philosophy (professors And. And. Kalnoy, F. V. Lazarev, A. P. Cvetkov, A. D. Shorkin), where the questions of epistemologies are examined, gnosiology, methodology, ontology.
- practical philosophy, including
- social philosophy (professor I.I. Kalnoy and associate professor S.T. Zagoruyko);
- philosophy of history (professor I.I. Kalnoy, assistant O. K. Shevchenko);
- philosophy of right (professor I. I. Kalnoy);
- philosophy of civil society (professor I.I. Kalnoy).
Researches are carried out with a reference point on the search of grounds of intercommunication of philosophy and life legal, moral and valued.
- Sociology theoretical and empiric (T.V. Hrienko, doctor of sociological sciences, professor).
- logic (professors V.N. Nikolko, A. D. Shorkin, associate professors Yu. M. Korotchenko and N. I. Safonova).
The professor V.N is the organizer of logical researches on a faculty during the last decades. Nikolko. V.N. Nikolko gives to definable ontological interpretation and builds the course of logic original, author.
Communications, contacts
A faculty and his structural subdivisions since olden times support scientific communications megdistsiplinarnie and creative with other organizations and institutes of higher, among which:
- Crimean observatory;
- Museums of Crimea artistic and ethnographic (Simpferopol, Sevastopol, Feodosiya, Yalta);
- Institutes of philosophy of NAN of Ukraine Russian AN;
- Philosophical faculties of the Kiev national university, Kharkov national university, Moscow state university, Saint Petersburg state university Omsk's state universities, and also the sociological faculty MGU;
- Russian philosophical society;
- Central-european university (Hungary);
- Institute on permission of conflicts (The USA);
- World institute (The USA);
- The Dg University. Meysona (The USA);
- The Valdosti University (The USA);
- In accordance with the Memorandum, concluded on May, 12, 2000 between the Tavricheskim national university and Program of development and integration of Crimea of UNO, the employees of faculty conduct nauchno-prakticheskuyu work on making of recommendations on permission of megetnicheskih problems in Crimea;
- A philosophical faculty takes active part in the Fulbrayta (The USA) program through which a few teachers got already; on the philosophical faculty TNU the Fulbrayta laboratory is opened, where specialists from the USA conduct the employments.
Projects and grants
The scientists of faculty work in a number of projects. Some of them are completed, other proceed.
The monograph «Political science in Ukraine became stage research for development on the faculty of political science and social philosophy: becoming and prospects», implemented within the framework of Megaproject, supported by the International fund «Revival».
Within the framework of other project in collaboration with the Dg University. Meysona (The USA) was developed the special course on confliktology.
The department of political sciences represents the Tavricheskiy national university in the three-year project of Department of formation of Advice of Europe «University as a place of forming of civil». 16 European universities participate in a project, Ukraine is represented by TNU. The purpose of project is development of model of university of ХХI age.
Program «Crimean world», developed by the department of political sciences, is supported by Council of Ministers of Crimea and in a number of embassies of the European states in Ukraine.
Within the framework of the Memorandum concluded between TNU to them. V.I. Vernadskogo and Program of development and integration of Crimea of UNO, science-practical work on making of recommendations on permission of crossetnical problems in Crimea is conducted .
By the employees of sociological laboratory of faculty and TSESI at the department of political sciences on the request of Program of development and integration of Crimea of UNO in summer 2007 research of tolerance and social solidarity of habitants of villages of Crimea, and also places of compact residence of deported is conducted.
On the project of Department of education and science of ARK and Center of innovative technologies (Kiev), «Culture of neighbourliness», by students and teachers of faculty (counsel – I.A. Andryushenko) research of ethnic cultures of Crimea is conducted .
At support of embassy of the USA in Ukraine, Fund by him. Dg. Fulbrayta and the Fund «Revival» in March 2007 by employees and students is set to work on research of national interests of Ukraine (counsel of the project E.S. Muratova). Within the framework of project in spring 2007goda took place public discussion (in Simpferopol, Kiev) of questions of compromise of power of business and civil society.
On the program Civil education Civic Education Project (It is GREY) the American professors worked on a faculty 2001-2002: Ch. Song (PhD Changzoo Song) and K. Vudvard (PhD Calvin Woodward), and in 2006-2007 school - program professor by him. Fulbrayta Robert Zimmerman. On the international program the «Man and christian world view» conducts the set of lectures for kulturologov and philosophers the American professor Bryus And. Littl.
Group of scientists of department of philosophy (prof. Lazarev F.V., dots. Trifonova M.K., dots. Zarapin )O.V. co-operating with the scientists of Kiev (prof. Kizima V.V., dots. Suhodub )Etc, Moscow (prof. Gubin )V.D., S-Peterburga (prof. Markov )B.V. in 2007 got grant in joint competition of NAN of Ukraine and Russian humanitarian scientific fund: «search of civilization alternatives of development».
By granter of SS of ARK for young scientists research is supported the A.M. Timohina «Regional features of sense of justice of political subekov in the Autonomous Republic Crimea». Also Timohin A.M. takes part in the HESP- «High education support Program project», «Modern philosophy of right».
Teachers and graduate students of faculty systematic publish the scientific articles, monographs, textbooks and methodical and teahery manuals. By forces of employees of faculty the scientific periodic magazines accredited HAC of Ukraine are let out:
- Scientific messages TNU by V. I. Vernadskogo. Series. "philosophy. Sociology".
- Scientific messages TNU by V. I. Vernadskogo. Series "Political sciences".
- Culture of people of Prichernomorya.