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The Faculty of Philosophy
The Department of Political Sciences



Head of the chair

Gabriyelyan Oleg Arshavirovich, Ph. D., Fulbright professor
Tel. (0652) 51-60-16
E-mail: gabroleg@mail.ru

The History

The sources of political scientists professional training ascend to the formation of political science and sociology chair in 1991. The first chief of the chair has become the professor Gennadij Ivanovich Melnikov, Ph.D. On the initial stage of the chair work the essential was a process of ideological stamps overcoming and, at the same time, continuation of the positive research traditions formed when the former chair of scientific communism was managed by Alexander Ivanovich Pervomajskij and Georgij Mikhailovich Fomin. This process was expressed in development of new educational plans, programs, technique of new disciplines teaching – political science and sociology. More than 10 thematic collections were issued; the sociological researches were carried out. The professors participated in interuniversity scientific conferences, lectured in higher educational establishments. Professor G.I. Melnikov has prepared 35 candidates of sciences and published more than 130 scientific works.

Since February, 1999 the head of the chair has become a professor Oleg Arshavirovich Gabriyelyan, Ph.D. From that time the chair begins to come dynamically at the new stage of development, increases personnel potential.

Since 2000 the chair prepares the experts of ''Political science''. The same year the realization of the Program "The Crimean Institute for Peace" began. It assumed creation of an information centre – a knowledge base on peacemaking questions, conflict prevention and solution. The employees of the chair trained in the Institute for Conflict Resolution of the George Mason University, US. Within the framework of "The Crimean Institute for Peace" on the basis of cooperation with the George Mason University are developed the educational methodical manuals on conflict studies, series of seminars and trainings with university professors and communities' leaders were carried out. According to the Memorandum made on May 12, 2000 between Taurida National University and the UNO Program of Development and Integration of the Crimea the employees of the chair are making scientific practical work on the development of recommendations on resolution og interethnic problems in Crimea.

In 2001 at the political science chair within the framework of the Megaproject "Higher Education: leadership for progress" supported by the International Renaissance Foundation was created the Centre on perfection of methods of training, teaching and researches in the field of political science in Ukraine. The chair has developed activity directed on development of domestic political science according to the standards of western political science. In result the collective monography "Political Science in Ukraine: Formation and Prospect" was issued under edition of О.А Gabriyelyan, Ph.D. and А.D. Shorkin, Ph.D. In 2001 by efforts of the chair the accreditation of VAK of Ukraine on political sciences was received by the edition "Scientific Notes of the V.I. Vernadsky TNU" ("Political sciences").

In 2008 the specialized council on protection of candidate dissertations on political sciences has continued the work.

At the chair conferences and round tables are regularly held. In 2002 were held: the round table "State management in Ukraine and in the USA" within the framework of "Eurasia" fund project, with participation of the Valdosta university State Management Faculty dean Noland Argip (USA); a round table "Dialogue of cultures: problems of integration in the Crimean society" with the support of Goethe Institute and German Embassy; Summer Youth School with the support of Netherlands Embassy. The chair organizes annual international seminars "Religion and civil society". Chair employees and post-graduate students participated in scientific trainings within the program of Summer schools of Harward university (USA), Central European university (Budapest, Hungary), and in 2008 within the framework of Bolonya process introduction the students got an opportunity to have a training in European universities.
Within the program Civic Education Project (CEP) at the chair in 2001-2002 worked the American professors Ch. Song and Calvin Woodward. The chair represents V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University in three-year project of Education Department of European Council "University as a place of citizenship formation". 16 European universities participate in this project. Ukraine is represented by V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. The purpose of the project is the development of 21st century university model. In 2007 the chair initiated realization of the international scientific practical conference ''National Interests: authority, business and civil society compromise''.


  • Gabriyelyan Oleg Arshavirovich, Ph.D., professor. Speciality fundamentals, Comparative political science, Political science research methods, Conflict studies and interethnic relations, cross-cultural adaptation, Higher Education within the Bolonya process.
  • Gasparyan Mikhail Vladimirivich, Candidate of Political sciences, senior lecturer. Computer data processing methods, Mathematical methods of political researches, Sociology, Political science.
  • Yefanov Leonid Aleksandrovich, senior lecturer, Philosophy Candidate. Political science.
  • Katerousha Svetoslav Aleksandrovich, lecturer. Human rights and Eurointegration, Political science, Sociology.
  • Kiseleva Natalia Vasilyevna, senior lecturer. Political geography, Region studies, Comparative Region studies, Sociology, Political science.
  • Lukashevich Liudmila Sergeevna, lecturer. Elective systems of the world, History and theory of political parties, Sociology.
  • Malgin Andrej Vitalievich, Philosophy Candidate, senior lecturer. Ethnicity and nationalism, Political science.
  • Muratova Elmira Serverovna, senior lecturer, Candidate of Political sciences. Political Islam in the modern world, Political Islam in post-soviet countries, Islam in global measurement, Political science.
  • Nikiforov Andrej Rostislavovich, senior lecturer, History Candidate. Regional politics, Global political process and geopolitics, Political science.
  • Nikolko Milana Vladimirovna, senior lecturer, Philosophy Candidate. Political philosophy, General theory of politics, Political communications, Political science.
  • Seniushkina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, State Management Doctor, professor. Political problems of social management, Ethnic political science.
  • Seniushkin Eugenij Aleksandrovich, senior lecturer. Political system of Ukraine, Social policy of Ukraine, State management, Theory of social management, Modern policy of Ukraine, Sociology, Political science.
  • Filatov Anatolij Sergeevich, senior lecturer, Philosophy Candidate. PR, Local self-government, Political Technologies, Political management, Subcultures: elites and marginals, Social stratification, Sociology.
  • Yurchenko Sergej Vasilievich, Doctor of Political sciences, professor. Theory of international relations, History of international relations.

General information

The political sciences chair provides professional training on the speciality "Political science".

Political scientist can carry out professional activity in the sphere of politics, state and social political managements, in the field of political communication and conflict resolution. As well he can work in official bodies, political parties and public organizations, in the scientific and research centres, funds, in departments of humanitarian and social political directions of the mass media, teach social and political disciplines in higher and high educational institutions.

Analyst, adviser, expert in public relations – these are new professions relevant to a wide specter of official institutions, public and political organizations, private companies.

The specialization is conducted on four directions:

  • State management;
  • Conflict studies and interethnic relations;
  • International relations (region studies);
  •  Political communication (PR).

Qualification given: POLITICAL SCIENTIST
To a graduate who has received the diploma of a specialist in political sciences is given the right to continue his study at the higher educational level (master, candidate) in high schools of Ukraine.

Directions of the chair scientific researches: interethnic relations, political region studies, social capital, state management, political communications. At the chair the Centre on perfection of methods of training, teaching and researches in the field of political science in Ukraine and the Crimean Institute for Peace are founded.


The chair cooperates with international organizations and universities. Especially it is necessary to mark the following:                                                 

  • George Mason University (USA) (special courses on conflict studies were developed);            
  • Institute for Conflict Resolution (USA) (training of the chair employees);         
  • Central European university (Budapest, Hungary) (development of educational programs);     
  • Education Department of European Council ("University as a place of citizenship formation" – social research).
  • UNO Program of Development and Integration of the Crimea (recommendation for the program ''Integration and development of the Crimea'');          
  • International Renaissance Foundation (projects series: seminars, conferences, round tables);    
  • "The US Institute for Peace" (project "Peace School" – seminars for university lecturers and national communities leaders, publication of methodical manuals);
  • Civic Education Project (CEP) (Changzoo Song, Calvin Woodward);   
  • Fulbright Program (Gabriyelyan O.A., Murativa E.S., Calvin Woodward, Robert F. Zimmerman, Idil Izmerly).

In 2007 at the chair the Fulbright room was opened.


  • Gabriyelyan O.A.: "Political processes in the Crimea. Last decade of the 20th century", "The Crimea. Deported citizens: return, settle down, social adaptation", "Educational methodical materials on political science";
  • Filatov A.S.: "Electoral behaviour and political technologies: how to succeed in elections", "Civil society and local self-government", "Religion and life", educational methodical manuals "Politics and religion", "Social philosophy";
  • Seniushkina TA.: methodical manual "Political problems of social management";

The experience of achievement of the interethnic consent in the Crimea is analyzed in the collective monograph "Interethnic consent in the Crimea: ways of achievement" and editions "Cultures Dialogue: integration problems in the Crimean society", "Civil society and religion". Are issued readers "State management: the USA and Ukraine", "Political science in Ukraine", "National interests of Ukraine ", "Noospherology: science, education, practice".

It is necessary to mark historical novels of Yefanov L.A. "Conquest of the Crimea", "Difficult Choice of the Empire", "The Prince Vasilij Dolgorukov (Crimean)", issued in Russia in multithousand circulations.