Manager by a department
Kalnoy Igor Ivanovichprofessor, the doctor of the philosophical sciences
Phone: +38 0652 51-60-16 (109) switchboard
The department of social philosophy is founded in 2001 as a result of division of general university department of philosophy and preparation to opening of philosophical faculty.
Complex cathedral theme: "civil society and specific of his becoming in Crimea" (state registration of theme: N 0102V001652).
The scientific leader of theme is the doctor of philosophical sciences, professor I.I. Kalnoy.
- Aksiology (candidates of philosophical sciences, associate professors: Arhangelskaya A.S., Savostyanova M. In.);
- Introduction to speciality (doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Kalnoy I.I.);
- Civil society: sources and contemporaneity (doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Kalnoy I.I.);
- Sign models of language (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Korotchenko Yu.M.);
- History of domestic philosophical thought (candidate of philosophical sciences, professor of Flowers A.P.);
- History of philosophy (candidates of philosophical sciences, professor Cvetkov A.P., assistant Shevchenko O. K.);
- Classic arabo of moslem philosophy (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Cvetkov A.P.);
- Logic is a base course (candidates of philosophical sciences, associate professors Korotchenko Yu.M., Safonova N. I.);
- Logical semantics (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Korotchenko Yu.M.);
- Logical syntax (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Korotchenko Yu.M.);
- Method of teaching of philosophical disciplines (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Nefedev S.N.);
- Methodology of humanitarian knowledge (candidate of philosophical sciences, professor Cvetkov A.P.);
- Method of concrete sociological researches (doctor of sociological sciences, professor Hrienko T.V.);
- Political anthropology (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Nefedev S.N.);
- Policy and religion (candidate of philosophical sciences, professor Cvetkov A.P.);
- Religion and culture ((candidate of philosophical sciences, professor Cvetkov A.P.);
- Semiotika (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Korotchenko Yu.M.);
- Sociology is a base course (doctor of sociological sciences, professor Hrienko T.V.);
- Social philosophy (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Zagoruyko S.T.);
- Philosophy of power (candidate of philosophical sciences, assistant Shevchenko O. K.);
- Philosophical problems of liberal arts (candidate of philosophical sciences, professor Cvetkov A.P.);
- Philosophical grounds of religious doctrines (candidate of philosophical sciences, professor Cvetkov A.P.);
- Philosophy is a base course (doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Kalnoy I.I., candidates of philosophical sciences: professor Cvetkov A.P., associate professors: Arhangelskaya A.S., Zagoruyko S.T., Korotchenko Yu.M., Nefedev S.N., Savostyanova M. In., Safonova N.V., assistant Shevchenko )O.K.;
- Philosophy of history (doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Kalnoy I.I.);
- Science philosophy (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Savostyanova of M. In.);
- Philosophy of right (doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Kalnoy I.I.);
- Philosophical aspects of development of mathematics (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Safonova N.V.);
- Philosophical questions of mathematics (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Safonova N.V.);
- Aesthetics (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Arkchangelsk A.S.);
- Ethics (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Nefedev S. N.).
Kalnoy Igor Ivanovich , professor, the doctor of the philosophical sciences
Region of scientific interests: anthropology philosophical and social; social philosophy; philosophy of history; philosophy of right; philosophy of civil society, modern problems of philosophy.
Doctoral dissertation "Alienation as the phenomenon of public development (nature, sources and contemporaneity)" Leningrad, 1991.
- Cvetkov Alexandr Petrovich, professor, candidate of philosophical sciences.
Region of scientific interests: ethics, aesthetics and kulturologiya; history of philosophy; history of domestic philosophical thought, religiovedenie and philosophical anthropology; methodology of humanitarian knowledge.
Candidate's dissertation is "Symmetry and asymmetry as philosophical categories". Moscow, 1975. The theme of doctoral research is the "Philosophical aspects of a "new" world view".
- Arhangelskaya Antonina Serafimovna, associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences .
Region of scientific interests: aksiologiya, ethics; aesthetics; history of philosophy.
Candidate's dissertation is "Co-operation of cognition scientific and artistic (some aspects of comparative analysis)" . Moscow, 1976.
- Zagoruyko Svetlana Trifovna, associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences.
Region of scientific interests: social anthropology; social philosophy.
Candidate's dissertation is the "Philosophical aspects of consumption". Kharkov, 1987.
- Safonova Natalia Vyacheslavovna, associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences.
Region of scientific interests: methodology of philosophical knowledge, methods of classic philosophy, philosophical problems of the mathematics
Candidate's dissertation "Standardization of scientific knowledge on the basis of mathematics". Simpferopol, 2000.
- Hrienko Tatyana Victor, professor, doctor of sociological sciences.
Region of scientific interests: sociology, methods of concrete sociological researches
Theme of doctoral dissertation "Genesis of change of world view reference points of studying young people of Crimea: 1991/2002. Experience of sociological analysis". Moscow, 2005.
- Korotchenko Julia Mihaylovna, associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences.
Region of scientific interests: logic, logical semantics, logical syntax, semiotika
Candidate's dissertation is "Design of sign structures (on materials of texts of culture). Simpferopol, 2003.
- Nefedev Sergey Nick, associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences.
Region of scientific interests: modern philosophy, fenomenologiya
is Candidate's dissertation of "Border of subject in fenomenologii". Simpferopol, 2004.
- Shevchenko Oleg Konstantinovich, candidate of philosophical sciences
Region of scientific interests: social philosophy, philosophy of history, philosophy of power.
Candidate's dissertation “ Realization authority in conditions transformation processes of a modern Ukraine” . Simpferopol, 2006.
- Savostyanova Marina Vyacheslavovna. The theme of doctoral dissertation is devoted to science philosophy.
Graduate Students
Goroshko Yu. N., Ebritskaya L., Kochnova O. And., Kravchenko And. In., Mikitinets O. And., Smirnov And. In.
Competitors executing preparation of dissertations on the department of social philosophy:
- Marunchak And. And., Panteleeva
For 2001-2006 years protected:
Doctoral dissertations
- Hrienko T.V. Genesis of change of world view reference points of studying young people of Crimea: 1991/2002. Experience of sociological analysis". - Moscow, 2005.
Candidate's dissertations
- Korotchenko Yu.M. " Design of sign structures" (on materials of texts of culture). Simpferopol: TNU, 2003. - a scientific leader is the professor Nikolko V.N.
- Nefedev S.N. "Scopes of subject in fenomenologii". Simpferopol: TNU, 2004. - a scientific leader is the professor Shorkin A.D.
- Tovarnichenko V.A. "Imperatives and modusi of the modern scientific rationality" Simpferopol: TNU, 2004. - a scientific leader is the professor Shorkin A.D.
- Zabelina L.A. "Gnostic arhetip androgina as a condition of realization of samosti in history of culture". Simpferopol: TNU, 2005. - a scientific leader is the professor Tsvetkov A.P.
- Kemalova L.I. "Marginalnost in the conditions of transformation processes of modern society". Simpferopol: TNU, 2006. - a scientific leader is the professor Kalnoy I.I.
- Parunova Y.D. "Socialization of personality in the conditions of transformation processes of modern society". Simpferopol: TNU, 2006. - a scientific leader is the professor Kalnoy I.I.
- Shevchenko O.K. " Realization authority in conditions transformation processes of a modern Ukraine ". Simpferopol: TNU, 2006. - a scientific leader is the professor Kalnoy I.I.
- Kumkin I.A. "Civil consent in the conditions of transformation processes of Ukrainian society". Simpferopol: TNU, 2007. - a scientific leader is the professor Kalnoy I.I.
- Velichko With. And. «Tanatologicheskie aspects of development of modern society (social-philosophical analysis)». Simpferopol: TNU, 2008. - a scientific leader is the professor Kalnoy I.I.
- Chudina N. In. «Ekstremalnost and forms of its display in modern obshesve». Simpferopol: TNU, 2008. - a scientific leader is the professor Kalnoy I.I.
- Atik And the A. “Sotsiokulturniy dialog of civilizations in the context of globalization and арабо-moslem «renesansa». Simpferopol: TNU, 2008. - a scientific leader is the professor Tsvetkov A.P.
Contacts, communications
Contacts and communications scientific and educational:
- Institute Of NAN Of Ukraine;
- Kiev national university by him. T.G.Shevchenko;
- Kharkov national university;
- Sevastopol national technical university.
International communications:
- Institute of man of WOUNDS (Moscow);
- Philosophical faculty of the Moscow state university;
- Philosophical faculty of the Sankt Petersburg state university;
- Omskiy state university;
Philosophical society of Russian Federation. |