Vladimir K. Kalin, Professor, Doctor of Psychological Science
Phone: +38 (0652) 63-75-93
E-mail: kalin@tnu.crimea.ua
The Faculty of Psychology was founded on the basis of the Department of Psychology on July 10, 2002. It contains three departments – of General Psychology, of Pedagogics, of Depth Psychology and Psychotherapy. There are several laboratories at the Faculty: the laboratory of experimental psychology and psychophysiology, the laboratory of computer psychodiagnostics, the laboratory of child psychology, the laboratory of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. The Faculty offers also postgraduate studies.
5 doctors and 25 candidates of science work at the Faculty.
Graduates Profile

Educational program of the Faculty provides the opportunity to defend diplomas in foreign language ( English, German, French or Spanish). The students that defend diploma in a foreign language obtain the certificate of a translator besides the diploma.
During the period of study students have practical training as psychologists in the following trends: in the nursery schools, in the child’s family, in the institutions of the Ministry of social protection, in hospitals, schools, at industrial enterprises, pedagogical practice at universities (teaching of psychology in a foreign language), practical training according to the trend of specialization, pre-diploma practice.
In Crimea:
Crimean State S.I.Georgievsky Medical University. (Simferopol);
- Crimean Humanitarian University (Yalta);
- Association of Psychiatrists and Psychotherapists of Crimea (Simferopol);
- Crimean School of Experimental Training;
In Ukraine:
- Institute of Social and Political Psychology of NPA of Ukraine (Kiev);
- G.S.Kostyuk Institute of Psychology (Kiev);
- Кyiv National T.Shevchenko University (Кyiv);
- South-Ukrainian Centre of Science of NPA of Ukraine (Odessa);
- South-Ukrainian State K.D.Ushinsky Pedagogical University (Odessa);
- Odesa National I.M.Mechnikov University (Odessa);
- Volyn National L.Ukrainka University (Lutsk);
- Kharkiv National V.N.Karazin University (Kharkov);
- Association of Social and Political Psychologists of Ukraine (Kiev);
- Kiev Art-Therapeutic Association (Kiev);
Association of Foundation of Freudian Field (Paris);
- Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution of George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia, the USA);
- Moscow-City institute of Psychology and Pedagogics (Department of Psychological Consultation and Psychotherapy);
- Russian Psychoanalytic Society (Moscow);
- Faculty of Sociology of St.-Petersburg State University, (St.-Petersburg, Russia);
- East-European Institute of Psychoanalysis (St.-Petersburg, Russia);
- Information Centre of Psychoanalytic Culture (St.-Petersburg, Russia).
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