It was established in 2001 and is now directed by Professor Yu.A.Bukov.
Teaching staff:
Professors: Yu.A.Bukov (Theory and methods of physical rehabilitation, Valeology), Yu.I. Kulagin (Nursing, Clinical and laboratory diagnostics, Rehabilitation and cardiopulmanology); Associate professors: O.F. Babushkina (Massage, Rehabilitation and neurology), E.I.Gurkovich (Physiotherapy, Balneology), S.Ya. Koval (Massage), V.I.Malygina (Basics of individual rehabilitation), N.S.Safronova (Sport pharmacology, Theory and methods of physical rehabilitation, Exercise therapy), Yu.I.Shmarko (Basics of pathology, Functional diagnostics), V.N.Chernaya (Naturotherapy, Dietology), O.V. Khomiakova (Metrological control, Scientific research methodology, Correctional pedagogics), I.A.Kovalskaya (Rehabilitation and traumatology, Exercise therapy, Physical rehabilitation in case of sportsmen’s locomotive system diseases and injuries), V.V.Pinchuk (Massage); Lecturers: E.Yu. Shyshko (Exercise therapy, Basics of individual rehabilitation, Physical rehabilitation hardware) , E.N.Grebneva (Psychosomatic correction, Exercise therapy), I.M.Belousova (Instructions to the speciality, Exercise therapy), I.Yu.Maslova (Massage), O.A. Safonova (Exercise therapy, Massage).
Areas of research:
The Department studies adaptation mechanisms and their correction in different conditions.
The members of the Department published over 160 academic works, got 10 patents. Faculty members participate actively in international and regional conferences.
1 Doctor of Science and 3 Candidates of Science have completed their studies at the Department.
Academic and educational relations are maintained with the Ukrainian State University of Physical Culture, Kharkov Academy of Physical Culture, Republican Health Center, International Valeological Association. |