Head, Political Science Department Tavrida National University
4 Yaltinskaya St, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, 95007
38-0652-24-16-82 home
+380 652 29-76-30
gabroleg@mail.ru |
Date of Birth |
Sex |
Citizenship |
Nationality |
Russian |
English |
Armenian |
Azerbaijanian |
Ukrainian |
basic knowledge
Ph. D. in Philosophy -1992, Yerevan State University (Armenia)
M.A. - 1974 -1978, Pedagogic Institute, Mathematics Department (Baku,
M.A. - 1995 -1997, Institute of Economy and Civil Law (Simferopol, Ukraine)
Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Cross-cultural issues, Social and
Community Development, Public Administration.
Project design and management, NGOs development and networking, training
1999 - present moment |
Tavrida National University,
Department of Political Science Position:
Head of Department.
2001 April - November |
Fulbright Scholar in George Mason
University. Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
2000 |
United Nation Development ProgramResponsibilities: facilitation
and consultationPosition: Director of the project
1999 - 2000 |
Advisory Board of Soros Foundation, Simferopol,
Responsibilities: Projects expertise and consultancy in
the program "Higher Education".Position: Project Expert
(part time).
1998 |
International Strategic Planning Group, Soros Foundation
Responsibilities: Participation in the working group, provision
of consultancy and advisory services.Position: Consultant.
1997-1998 |
Advisory Board of Soros Foundation, Simferopol,
Responsibilities: Projects expertise and consultancy in
the programs "Civil Society" and "Integration of Formerly Deported
Peoples to Ukrainian Community"Position: Project Expert
(part time).
1993-1998 |
Government of the Crimean Autonomous Republic, Committee of
Nationalities and Deported Citizens, Ukraine
Responsibilities: Coordination of the Governmental Program
"Return and Resettlement of Deported Persons to Crimea".
Management of the Program budget, including capital construction.
Responsible for joint projects and networking with national and
ethnic communities` NGOs, projects on micro-business support. Position:
Deputy Chairman.
1985-1993 |
Institute of Philosophy and Law of National
Academy of Science, Yerevan, Armenia
Responsibilities: Partnership participation in the overall
research project on cultural and cross-cultural issues. Publication
of researches. Position: Senior Researcher.
1985-1992 |
Yerevan State University,
Philosophy Dpt., Armenia
Responsibilities: Supervision of graduate students, lecturer.
Position: Associated Professor (part time)
1982-1985 |
Institute of Philosophy and Law of National
Academy of Science, Armenia
Responsibilities: Thesis writing and publication.Position:
Post-Graduate Researcher.
1978-1980 |
Program Center of Azerbaijan State Polytechnic
Institute,Azerbaijan Republic
Responsibilities: Design of database and statistics analysis
software in the area for oil industry. Design of software for the
overall institute management. Position: Software Engineer.
- Coauthored / co-edited with Dr. C.A. Woodward, Public Administration
in Democracy; Towards an American-Ukrainian Dialogue, Simpheropol,
2003. Supported by Eurasia Foundation.
- Edited, Political Science in Ukraine: State and Prospects,
Simferopol, 2002. Supported by International Renaissance Foundation.
- Gabrielyan O. "Conflict: Analysis, management and resolution(a
Course for Political Science students) - Simferopol, Publish House "Dolya",
- Dialogue of Cultures: Problems of Integration in the Crimean
Society" -Simferopol, Publish house Taurida, 2002 (o. Gabrielyan);
- Gabrielyan O.A., CD Crimean Repatriates"
- Gabrielyan O.A. Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Simferopol: "Dolya",
- Edited, Interethnic Harmony in Crimea, Simferopol, "Dolya"
Publishing House, 2001.
- Political processes in Crimea: the last decade of XX-th century,
Simferopol, "Amena" Publishing House, 2000.
- Crimea as a problem of regionalism, Simferopol, 1999.
- Crimean Repatriates: Return, Settlement and Adaptation, Simferopol:
"Amena" Publishing House, 1998.
- Crimea: Deported Citizens, Simferopol: "Amena"
Publishing House, 1997.
- Art of Conflict Resolution, Smferopol, "Amena"
Publishing House 1989.
- Mathematics as Phenomena of Culture, Yerevan, Academy of
Sciences of Armenia, 1989.
- Dialectic of Objective and Subjective in Mathematician Cognition,
Yerevan, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 1985.
Summer school
July, 2003
Budapesht, Hungary
Workshop on course development
June-July , 2003
Budapesht, Hungary
Seminar "Project Management"
February, 2001, Kiev
Open Society Institute,
Workshop on Project Management
Budapesht, Hungary
Workshop on Case-Study
Workshop on Social Security System
Workshop on Mediation,
1996 Slavyanogorsk, Ukraine
Ukrainian Mediation Group
Program on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution
1995 USA
Harvard University,
International Workshop on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in
Trans-Caucuses and Northern Caucuses Region
1993 Pyatigorsk, 1995 Russia Moscow, Russia
International Alert,
High level of computer literacy, including Microsoft Word 95/2000, Windows
95/98/2000, Microsoft Word/Outlook 2000, Internet.
American Political Science Meeting Association, Annual Meeting
27-31 August 2003
US Embassy
International Forum "Local Crimean Cultures and their role in the
future of Ukraine"
October, 3-5 2002, Yalta
British Council
Conference dedicated to 10 year anniversary of Fulbright "Ukraine
in the global context"
October, 17-20 2002, Kiev
Fulbright Program
Development of democracy and democratic education in Ukraine
May, 24-26 2002, Odessa
CanadianUkraine Project "Democratic education"
AAASS 33rd National Convention.
15-18.11.01 Washington
American Association of Slavonic Studios
Public meeting "USAID's Strategies for Conflict Prevention,
Procurement Reform, the Global Development Alliance, and HIV/AIDS".
October, 17 2001 Washington
Conference "Minorities and Tolerance in Central and Eastern
Europe and the NIS".
24.04.01 Washington
Woodrow Wilson International Center
All-Ukrainian conference "Megaproject -High education: Leadership
for progress" -
February, 2001 Kiev \
International Renaissance Foundation
Conference "The multiculturalism in education"
Kiev, Ukraine, 2001
International conference "The rights for education of ethnic minorities"
Yalta, Ukraine, 2000
Department of Education of the Council of Europe
International Conference "Yalta-2000"
Yalta, Ukraine, 2000
International Conference on Conflictlogy
S.-Petersburg, Russia, 1999
General Assembly of Soros Foundation, Member of Strategic Working
Hungary, 1998
Soros Foundation
Congress of History and Philosophy of Science
Hamburg, Munich, Germany, 1989
- Round Table "Dialogue of cultures", Edition of materials; 2002, Embassy
of Germany, Gette Institute;
- Summer Camp "Cross-cultural adaptation, Crimean ethnic history and
culture of Peace", trainer-2002 (UNDP);
- Summer school "Civil Society and Local Self-government" (Royal Netherlands
Embassy 2002);
- Conduct of the round "Dialogue of cultures" (German Embassy, Geutte
Institute, 2002);
- Director of the project "Public Administration Course" (Eurasia Foundation,
- Director of the project "Creation of the Center of Political Science
for Advanced Research and Teaching in Tavrida National University" (Soros
Foundation, 2001);
- Ukrainian Director of the project "Universities as sites of citizenship"
(Council of Europe, 2000-2001);
- Trainer and editor in the project "School of Peace" - seminars for
University teachers and leaders of national communities, publication
of the methodological handbook and the results of research (US Institute
of Peace, 2000-2001);
- Trainer in the project "Seminar "Tolerance, Civic Activity" (International
Renaissance Foundation, 2000);
- Director of the project "Seminars-Trainings for the Representatives
of Deported Citizens and NGO leaders (UN Integration and Development
Program in Crimea, 2000);
- Consultant and facilitator in the project "Round Tables on the
Questions of Social-Political Problems in Crimea" (UN Integration and
Development Program in Crimea, 2000);
- Editor in the project "Crimean Armenian Monuments - creation of the
Compact Disc" (International Renaissance Foundation, 2000);
- Head of the consulting group of the conference "Gender Development
in Ukraine" (UN Integration an Development Program in Crimea, 1999);
- Director of the project "Round table "The Problems of Migration in
the Context of Migration Processes in Ukraine", Simferopol, 1999 (The
Department of Migration of the Council of Europe);
- Consultant in the project "Creation of the International Childreэ's
Center "Melevshe" (International Renaissance Foundation (1999));
- Director of the project "Organization of research in the sphere of
ethnic studies on the request of the Republican Committee on nationalities
and deported Citizens" (1998);
- Consultant in the creation of the documentary film "Dialogue of Cultures"
(King Baudouin Foundation, 1998);
- Consultant in the project "Establishment of the Center that gives
support to citizens and organizations in business management" (Eurasia
and Renaissance Foundation, 1997-1998);
- Director of the project "Conflict Resolution and Mediation in Market
Economy" (Eurasia Foundation, 1995-1996);
- Co-director of the project "Leadership and Negotiations in Market
Economy", Yerevan, Armenia (National Peace Foundation, USA, 1994-1995).