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Department of Experimental Physics
Simferopol State University
95007 Simferopol
Last updated September 23, 1998 |
- Physics, Simferopol State University 1978-1983
- PhD in Physics (Nuclear Magnetic Resonans), Saint-Petersburg State
University 1992
Associate Professor Simferopol State University 1993 - present
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Magnetically Ordered Substances.
- Multiquantum Effects in NMR of Quadrupole Nuclei.
- Computer Simulation in Magnetism.
- Magnetic resonance and relaxation
introduction to the theory of magnetic resonance, experimental methods
in magnetic resonance, mechanismes of magnetic relaxation, electron
- nuclear and nuclear - nuclear interactions, NMR in magnetically ordered
- Solid State Physics
symmetry elements, tenzor description of crystals properties, defects
of a crystal lattice, magnetic properties of diamagnetic and paramagnetic
solids, magnetic properties of superconductors, exchange interactions
and magnetic ordering.
- Computer physics.
scientific diagrams in physics, MathCad for decision of problems in
physics, Maple for decision of problems in physics, the Monte-Carlo
methods in magnetism, computer simulation of spins dynamics.
of Hahn Echo (for Windows 95)
Journal Articles
- G.N.Abelyashev, V.N.Berzhansky, S.N.Polulyakh, N.A.Sergeev and Yu.V.Fedotov.
Transverse magnetic Relaxation of 53Cr nuclei in Ag-doped
CdCr2Se4. JMMM V.184 (1998) P.222-226.
- Полулях С.Н. Delphi3: Строим графики (rus). Компьютеры+Программы.
N4(46) (1998) P.26-29.
- V.N.Berzhansky, A.I.Gorbovanov, S.N.Polulyakh, and N.V.Pronina. Nuclear
Magnetic Relaxation in Ferrimagnetic Y3Fe5-xSixO12 films. Phys.of the
Solid State V.40 (1998) P.1357-1359.
- G.N.Abelyashev, V.N.Berzhansky, S.N.Polulyakh and N.A.Sergeev. The
NMR Study of Fluctuations in Orientation of the Electron Magnetization.
In "Frontiers in Magnetism of Reduced Dimention Systems". NATO ASI Series:
3. Hihg Technology - V.49 (1998) P.271-175. (Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht/Boston/London ISBN 0-7923-5026-X).
Conference Proceedings
- ЯМР ядер 63Cu и 65Cu в ферромагнитном CuCr2S4:Sb.
(rus.) Тез.докл.XVI Международной школы-семинара "Новые Магнитные Материалы
Микроэлектроники" (ISBN 5-88417-146-3). Ч.1, С.333-334. Москва,1998.
- Компьютерное моделирование в магнитном резонансе. (rus.) там же, С.
- Multiquantum Spin Echoes from Quadrupole Nuclei in Ferromagnetic Materials.
Proc. of the Joint 29th AMPERE - 13th ISMAR International Conference.
(ISBN 3-7983-1780-1) V.I, P.33-34. Berlin, 1998.
- Simulation of Influence of Water Molecules Motion on Proton NMR Spectra
of Natrolite. Proc. of the Joint 29th AMPERE - 13th ISMAR International
Conference. (ISBN 3-7983-1780-1) V.II, P.650-651. Berlin, 1998.