office: 314 (Building V) |
phone: +380 652 230-289 (o), |
652 481-158 (h) |
fax: +380 652 232-310 |
anashkin@tnu.crimea.ua |
- Applied Mathematics, Moscow State University 1970-1975
- PhD in Differential Equations, Moscow State University 1979
- Associate Professor Simferopol State University 1983 - present
- Assistant Professor Simferopol State University 1978 - 1983
Stability theory for ordinary differential equations, functional differential
equations, difference equations. Lyapunov's direct method. Stability under
regular and singular perturbations. Averaging. Qualitative theory of differential
equations. Bifurcation analysis for ODE's and FDE's.
There is the list of my recent publications. Some of them are available
in .dvi format.
- O.V.Anashkin, M.M.Khapaev, The comparison method and investigation
of the stability of systems of ordinary differential equations containing
perturbations [in Russian]. Differentsialnye Uravneniya, 22, No.9, 1604
- 1606 (1986). (MR 88a:34039)
- O.V.Anashkin, M.M.Khapaev, The comparison method and investigation
of the stability of systems of ordinary differential equations containing
perturbations. II [in Russian]. Differentsialnye Uravneniya, 25, No.2,
187 - 192 (1989); English transl.: Differential Equations, 25, No.2,
133 - 137 (1989). (MR 90e:34086)
- O.V.Anashkin, B.J.Ferrucci, R.Evans, Educating Mathematicians in the
USSR. Educational Foundations, 5, No.3, 93 - 101 (1991).
- O.V.Anashkin, M.M.Khapaev, The method of Lyapunov functions for systems
with perturbations [in Russian]. Differentsialnye Uravneniya, 28, No.12,
2027 - 2029 (1992); English transl.: Differential Equations, 28, No.12,
1675 - 1677 (1993). (MR 94a:34059)
- O.V.Anashkin, V.N.Khrapko, A model of hormonal regulation [in Russian].
In collection: Dynamic systems, Vishcha Shkola, Kiev, No.10, 83 - 88
- O.V.Anashkin, M.M.Khapaev, On the stability of nonlinear systems with
a small parameter [in Russian]. Differentsialnye Uravneniya, 29, No.8,
1301 - 1307 (1993); English transl.: Differential Equations, 29, No.8,
1127 - 1132 (1993). (MR 95c:34090)
- O.V.Anashkin, On the partial of integrally continouos with respect
to a small parameter dynamic system [in Russian]. In collection: Dynamic
systems, Vishcha Shkola, Kiev, No.13, 29 - 36 (1994).
- O.V.Anashkin, V.F.Butuzov, V.A.Il'in, E.I.Moiseev, O.P.Filatov, Mikhail
Mikhailovich Khapaev (on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday) [in
Russian] Differentsialnye Uravneniya, 30, No.10, 1830 - 1835 (1994).
English transl.: Differential Equations, 30, No.10, 1696 - 1702 (1994).
(MR 96d:01037)
- O.V.Anashkin, M.M.Khapaev, On the partial stability of nonlinear systems
of ordinary differential equations with a small parameter [in Russian].
Differentsialnye Uravneniya, 31, No.3, 371 - 381 (1995).
- O.V.Anashkin, Generalized Lyapunov functions and stability analysis
in critical cases. In collection: "ICIAM/GAMM 95", special
issue ZAMM, Academie Verlag, issue 2 (O.Mahrenholtz, R.Mennicken, (Eds)),
465 - 466 (1996).
- O.V.Anashkin, Averaging in the Theory of Stability for Functional
Differential Equations [in Russian]. Differents. Uravneniya, 33, No.4,
448 - 457 (1997).
- O.V.Anashkin, Parametric Resonance in Linear System with Time Delay
[in Russian]. Izvestiya RAEN, seriya MMMIC, 1, No.1, 3 - 18 (1997).
- O.V.Anashkin, Sufficient Conditions of Stability and Instability for
a Class of Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations [in Russian].
Differents. Uravneniya, 34, No.7, 867 - 876 (1998).
- O.V.Anashkin, On Stability of Systems of Functional Differential Equations
containing a small parameter [in Russian]. In collection: Dynamic systems,
Tavria, Simferopol, No.14, 3 - 9 (1998).
- O.V.Anashkin, Stability Theorems for Nonlinear Functional Differential
Equations. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 28, No.2, 25 - 35 (1998).
- O.V.Anashkin, A Method for Stability Investigation in the Theory of
Functional Differential Equations [in Russian]. Uchenye zapiski SGU,
No.7(46), 54 - 56 (1998).
- O.V.Anashkin, On Stability of Systems of Functional Differential Equations
containing a small parameter [in Russian]. Izvestiya RAEN, seriya MMMIC,
2, No.1, 54 - 70 (1998).
- O.V.Anashkin, On the problem of optimal stabilization [in Russian].
Proc. of 33. Intern. Wiss. Koll. TH Ilmenau 1988, Heft 4, Vortragsreihen
C1/C2, pp.3 - 5 (1988).
- O.V.Anashkin, On stability in singularly perturbed nonlinear systems.
Proceedings of International Conference "Dynamical systems and
related topics", (Nagoya, 1990), pp.1 - 19, Adv. Ser. Dyn. Syst.,
9, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ. (1991). (MR 93c:34113)
- O.V.Anashkin, Stability and bifurcation analysis by generalized Lyapunov
functions. Proc. of the Inter. Conference on Dynamical Systems and Chaos,
23-27 May 1994, Tokyo, World Scientific, Singapore, vol.1, pp.7 - 10