- Date of Birth 24/09/58 Languages
- Sex male Russian native
- Citizenship Ukraine Ukrainian related
- Nationality Russian English base knowledge
- Social Philosophy
- Sociology
- Political Science
- Religious study
- Social freedom of personality and imperative of environment
- Outsiders of social system and mass consciousness
- Religion in life of the person and society
- Status of religious consciousness in the Crimea
- Marketing of educational services
- Civil society and principles of a tolerance
- NGO's status in the Crimea
- Theoretic basis and practical operations of social-democratic in the
countries of the former USSR
- Civilizationally-cultural contradictions and geopolitical strategy
- System of early warning of social conflicts
- Conditions social-political stability
- Problems of the religious and ethnic toleration in the Crimea (conditions
and possibility for dialogue)
- Public Relations, Political Technology, Political marketing and formation
of the political image
- 2001, March The coordinator of the Center for political research in
the Ukraine
- 1999, September The Center for Ethno-Social Researchers attached to
the Political Science
department of the Tavrida National University, director
- 1997-1999 The sub-faculty of philosophy and sociology of the Tavrian
ecological Institute,
senior lecturer
- 1996-1997 Chairman of the Crimean Association of farmers
- 1995-1996 Association farmers of the Crimea, consultant
- Executive committee of the Town Soviet of the Yalta, sociolog
- 1992-1994 Center of Social Prognosis, Yalta, director
- 1989-1993 Institute of Philosophy of Academy of Science of the USSR,
Moscow, post-graduate researcher
- 1988-1991 Commercial college of the Yalta, lecturer
- 1986-1988 Historical museum of the Yalta, senior researcher
- 1982-1988 Philosophical department of the Uralsian State University,
- 1980-1982 Service in Armed forces of the USSR
- 1975-1979 Historical faculty of the Orenburg state teacher's college,
the student
- 1993 Post-graduate course of the Institute of Philosophy of Academy
of Science of the USSR, Moscow
- 1988 Philosophical department of the Uralsian State University
- 1979 Historical department of the Orenburg State Pedagogic Institute
- 1976- 1979 Study of archival materials on a history of a defense of
Orenburg within Civil war Orenburg state pedagogical institute
- 1987- 1988 Research of a history of construction of the Armenian church
in Yalta Yalta historical museum
- 1991- 1993 Sociological inquiries of the inhabitants of Yalta and
the deputies of Сouncil of Yalta on an evaluation of standard of living,
political and economic situation Sociological Service "Krimsocis" In
frameworks CSP
- 1994 Monitoring political preferences of the voters during campaign
at the choice of the President of Ukraine Firma "Genoa" In frameworks
- 1995 Sociological inquiries of the inhabitants of Yalta on an evaluation
of a standard of living, political and economic situation The Executive
Committee of Yalta (Municipality)
- 1996 Monitoring an economic condition of farms in Crimea Association
of the farmers of Crimea
- 1997 Monitoring economic development of Crimea and factor of a free
economic zone Crimean company of the farmers
- 1998 Sociological inquiries on definition of political preferences
of the voters during pre-election campaign Commercial centre "Miloserdie"
- 1999 Sociological research on the subject of "Social - political and
economic values of the inhabitants of Crimea" Republican political newspaper
"Krimskay pravda" ("The Crimean truth") See of the newspaper: April
27, 28, May 6,12, 14, 22, June 4,9
- 2000 Sociological inquiries of the inhabitants of Crimea on an evaluation
of a standard of living, rights of the citizens, activity of state organs,
social problems and interethnic attitudes Republican newspaper "Republic
of Crimea" See of the newspapers NN 28, 29
- 2000 Sociological research with a feed-back "Problems of ethnic tolerance".
Work about a focal point-groups DICP of the UN
- 2000 Sociological inquiry on a theme "Tendencies of development the
ethnic NGO" with use of form and expert methods DICP of the UN
- 2000- 2001 Monitoring Crimean NGO and sociological inquiries of the
experts on problems of activity of public organizations; shaping of
focal groups within the framework of a sociological research with feedback
Regional resource agency "Crimea-perspective", Fund "Eurasia"
- 2001 Sociological research in Crimea on the subject of "The living
conditions, image of life and health" East-Ukrainian Fund of social
researches, Sociological faculty of the Kharkov national university
- I The International Summer School of Young researchers and teachers
"The Civil society as basic principles of democracy. PR-activity in
a democratic society". - Center social and lingvoculturological researches
of the postsoviet society (Lugansk, Ukraine), Lugansk T. Shevchenko
State pedagogical University, Faculty of Russian linguistics and communicative
technologies (Lugansk, Ukraine), Scientific Institute of Direct Democracy
(Zurich, Switzerland), DCAF-center (Geneva, Switzerland). - Ukraine,
Lugansk-Cremennaya, August, 3-8 2003. - Trainer
- Summer youth school "Civil society: problems of self-management and
social partnership" - Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine,
Centre of ethno-social researches, Crimea, Peschanoe, August 24-31,
2002. - Trainer
- SPSS: Teaching and Usage in Sociological Researches. Master-Class
for Lecturers and Scientific in Social Sciences. - Kharkov: IRF Megaproject
"Higher educatin: leadership for progress" Center for sociological education
improvement school of sociology, Kharkov V.N. Karazin National university
East Ukrainian Foundation for social research, 2002, January, 24-31.
- Megaproject "Higher educatin: leadership for progress". All-Ukraine
conference. - Kiev: IF "Renaissance", 2001, February, 8.
- Management to projects. Seminar-trainig. - Kiev: Institute "Open society",
2001, February, 5-6.
- Programme social order: social partnership between the government
and public organizations. Seminar-training. - Simferopol: RRA "Crimea-perspective"
and Fond "Evrazia", 2000, October. - Trainer.
- Рablic awareness programme on good governance, good citizenship and
inter-ethnic tolerance. Seminar-trainings. - The program of development
and integrate of the Crimea of the Unaited Nations Organization, Simferopol,
2000, July, October-November. - Trainer.
- Workshop on Function of Social Organizations and control for election
- Kiev: NDI of the US, 1993, October.
- Workshop on Process of Private of Property in the Ukraine - L'vov-Kiev:
AID-NDI of the US, 1993, May.
- Workshop on Technology of election campaign. - Odessa: NDI of the
US, 1993, March.
- Workshop on Problems of interrelations local authorities and parties.
- Kiev: NDI of the US, 1992, October.
- Work of local authorities in the England. Seminar. - Great Britain,
Molton, Yorkshire: Union of the England Churches, 1992, September.
- Self-knowledge and self-deception. Seminar's D.I. Dubrovskiy. - Moscow:
Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of science of the USSR, 1988,
October, 6.
- Buddizm and modern science. Seminar's V.I. Korneev. - Moscow: Institute
of history of natural history and technics of the Academy of science
of the USSR, 1988, October, 4.
- Economics and estrangement. Seminar-discussion. - Moscow: Moscow State
university, 1988, October, 3. - Speech.
- The international symposium "Person and Christian outlook. Global
problems and the personal responsibility". - International educational
societies "Person and Christian outlook", Crimean State Medical University
him S.I.Georgievskogo, Crimean-American college. - Simferopol, October,
9-10, 2003 - Performance
- First international symposium "Economic development and strategic
planning in the East Europe in a context of globalization: opportunities
and problems". - Kharkov regional state administration, Kharkov's V.N.
Karazin national university, International center of economic researches
and developments of management of the Kharkov state academy of municipal
economy, University of state Texas in Arlington (USA), Institute of
problems of the market and economic-ecological researches of the National
academy of sciences of Ukraine, magazine "Social economy". - Kharkov,
May, 27-28, 2003 - Report "Ecology of freedom and globalization"
- Round table "Civil society in Ukraine: a condition and prospects of
development". - Fund "Europe XXI" (Kiev), National fund of support democracies
(USA). - Simferopol, May, 21, 2003. - Performance
- Conference "Russian in a history of Taurida". - Fund of development
of economic and humanitarian communications "Moscow-Crimea", Russian
cultural center. - Simferopol, April, 19-20, 2003. - Report "Russia-Украина-Крым:
technology of mutual communications"
- Scientific-practical conference "Problems political and a legal status
of the Crimean autonomy and protection of the rights and interests of
Russian population and Russian culture in Crimea". Fund "Moscow-Crimea",
Russian cultural center, Russian community of Crimea. - Simferopol,
January, 19 2003. - Report "Crimea. Problems of integration"
- Memorable readings. Nikolay Jakovlevich Danilevsky and Russian idea
in XXI century. - Fund "Moscow-Крым", Russian cultural center. - Simferopol,
December, 14, 2002. - Report "N.Ja. Danilevsky's Geopolitic concept
in destiny of Russia"
- Round table "Dialogue of cultures: problems of integration in the
Crimean community". - Centre of ethno-social researches (Simferopol),
Embassy of Germany in Ukraine, German cultural centre Gethe-Institute
in Kiev. - Simferopol, September 12-14, 2002. - Coordinator of the project.
- Report "Crimea: problems of integration in socio-cultural and political
- IV International conferences on Religious studies "East - West: interconfessional
dialogue". Sevastopol, May 21-24, 2002. - Report "Ideological basis
for interaction of Christianity and Islam in the Crimea"
- The XI international session "The Rights of the man, culture of the
peace, tolerance - contents and methods of training" - Moscow: Commission
under the rights of the man at the President of Russia, Representation
of UNESCO in Russia, The Moscow school of the rights of the man, Federation
of the peace and consent, 3-7 December 2001. - Report "Role of the NGO
in development of the rights of the man, culture of the peace and tolerance
in Crimea"
- The First international scientific - methodical conference "Integration
of maximum formation(education) of Ukraine in the European system" -
Dnepropetrovsk: DNU, Centre "Educational studios", 2001, May. - Report
"Problem institutions of registration of a political science in Ukraine"
- The International scientific seminar "Political science: a subject
and methodological bases" - Kharkov: national space university, May
16-18 2001. - Report "Object and subject of a political science"
- The International scientific-practical conference "Social order in
Ukraine" - Odessa, CF "Kovcheg", 2000, September. - Report "Social partnership
of the state and NGO"
- Political stabilization: methodological problems and experience of
the Cremia. Second inter-vuzovskay conference - Simferopol, TEI, 1999,
April. - Speech
- Problems of forming of ecological outlook. International of a scientific
conference - Simferopol, TEI, 1998, April. - Speech
- Political perfect and experience of the revolutions in XX centure.
First inter-vuzovskay conference - Simferopol, TEI, 1997, October. -
- Experience of creation and function of the free economic zone to the
Ukraine. All-Ukraine scietific-practical conference - Krasnoperecopsk,
FEZ "Sivash", 1996, November. - Report "Economic reform in a society
of a transitive type"
- Man, work, technics: history and modernnity. All-Union scientific-theoretic
conference - Sevastopol, Philosophical society of the USSR, SPSI, 1991,
September, 12-13. - Speech
Spirituality and modern mentality - Simferopol, State University, 1990,
Youth and Creative Work - Moscow, Philosophical Society of the USSR,
1989, Octobe
- Dialectics of development of the socializm on modern stage. Conference
- Moscow, Institute of philosophy of the Academy of science of the USSR,
1988, October, 11. - Speech
- Marxist-Leninist conception and scientific-techical progress. Scietific-practical
conference - Sverdlovsk, State Uralsky university, 1987, November, 25-26.
- Speech
- Religion of Life. - Simferopol: Tavriya, 2003. - 288 p. (In the co-authorship
from B. Little)
- Ecology of freedom and globalization // Social Economics. Scientific
Journal of Kharkov's V.N. Karazin national university. - N 1, January-March.
- 2003. - P. 29-47.
- Civil society and local self-management: Handbook / The second edition
advanced and added. - Simferopol: Publishing house "Tavriya", 2002.
- 148 p.
- The Ukrainian political process. Elections // Structure and the contents
of public relations in the modern world. Materials of the International
seminar. Issue 3. Social sciences. / Lugan. T. Shevchenko Gos. Ped.
Univer; Res. Ed. : L.N. Sinelnikova, L.F. Kompantseva, G.A. Petrovskaya.
- Lugansk: Znanie, 2002. - P. 212-222
- NGO as a means of formation of a civil community in Crimea // The
interethnic consent in Crimea: ways of achievement. Edition: Gabrielyan
O.A., Korostelina K.V., Shorkin A. D. The edition the second, advanced.
- Simferopol: Dolya, 2002. - P. 239-246.
- Problems registrations of a Political Science in Ukraine as scientific-educational
institute // The Political Science in Ukraine: becoming and prospects
/ Edition: Ph. O.A.Gabrieljan, Ph. A.D.Shorkina. - Simferopol, 2002.
- P. 33-39.
- The analysis of the educational literature used in High Schools of
Ukraine// The Political Science in Ukraine: becoming and prospects /
Edition: Ph. O.A.Gabrieljan, Ph. A.D.Shorkina. - Simferopol, 2002. -
P. 144-185.
- Civil society and local self-management: Handbook. - Simferopol: СESR,
2002. - 148 p.
- Functions and role of religion in a civil society// Culture of the
peoples of Prichernomor'ya. - 2002. - N 28. - P. 63-70.
- Ideological basis for interaction of Christianity and Islam in the
Crimea // IV International conferences on Religious studies "East -
West: interconfessional dialogue". Sevastopol, May 21-24, 2002. The
theses of the reports and messages. - Sevastopol: National Reserve "Khersones
Tavricheskiy", Institute religioknowledge of the Yagello of University
(Krakow, Poland), Sevastopol National technical University, 2002. -
P. 41-42.
- Behaviour of electors and political technology: How to achieve success
on election. - Simferopol: PARTNER, 2002. - 304 p.
- Imperative of social activity // The Scientists of a slip Tavrida
V. Vernadsky national university. A series "Political Sciences". - Volume
14 (53). - N 1 (2001). - P. 85-91.
- Object and subject Political Science // Political Science: a subject
and methodological bases. The collection of materials of the international
scientific conference. - Kharkov: "Region-inform", 2001. - P. 271-289
- Non-Governmental Organizations in the Crimea and System of Earlier
Warning of Conflicts // Social Economics. Scientific Journal of Kharkov's
V.N. Karazin national university, 3-4' 2001. - P. 42-52.
- Social philosophy. Textbook - Simferopol: TNU, 2001. - 70 p.
- Condition of the "third sector" of Crimea: Monitoring NGO in the Crimea.
- Simferopol: "Krim-perspective", The Eurasia Foundation, 2001. - 40
- Freedom of the person and new paradigm of social existence // Urgent
questions of development of innovation activity in the states with transitive
economy: materials of the International scientific - practical conference
to Eight-decade of a National academy of sciences of Ukraine. - Simferopol:
SONAT, 2001. - P. 186-196.
- Traditional social - philosophical concepts in paradigm of an our
times // The Scientists of a slip Tavrida V. Vernadsky national university.
A series "Philosophy. Sociology". Volume 14 N 1 (2001). - P. 113-118.
- NGO as a means of formation of a civil community in Crimea // The
interethnic consent in Crimea: ways of achievement. Edition: Korostelina
K.V., Gabrielyan O.A., Shorkin A. D. - Simferopol: Dolya, 2001. - P.
- Conditions of social-political stabilization // Vestnic of Sevastopol
State Technical University. The 30-th Issue. Philosophy - Sevastopol:
Sev. STU, 2001. - P. 143-158
- Politics and Religious. Handbook. - Simferopol: TNU, 2001. - 32 p.
- Conditions of realization of freedom of the person // Culture of the
peoples of Prichernomor'ya. - 2001. - N 17. - P. 198-200.
- Social praxis and freedom of the personality // Culture of the peoples
of Prichernomor'ya. - 2001. - N 14. - P. 145-147.
- Ecological imperative of social activities // Vestnic of Sevastopol
State Technical University. The 29-th Issue. Philosophy - Sevastopol:
Sev. STU, 2001. - P. 146-155
- Acquisition of a database about condition NGO in Crimea // Review.
The newsletter of Regional resource agency "Crimea-perspective". Editor
- composer A. Filatov. - Simferopol, N 2, 2000
Religioknowledge: Textbook - Simferopol: Tavria, 2000. - 95 p
- Freedom of the personality in the society: Historic-philosophical
aspect // "Uchenye Zapiski" of the Tavrian Ecological Institute. Issue
1 - Simferopol: TEI, 1999. - P. 261-276
- Outsiders of social system and mass consciousness: Threat for social
tranquility // Political stabilization: methodological problems and
experience of the Cremia - Simferopol, 1999. - P. 100-103
- Social philosophy. Textbook - Simferopol: TEI, 1999. - 47 p.
- Search of way to new universe // Problems of forming of ecological
outlook: Transactin of the international of a scientific conference
- Simferopol: TEI, 1998. - P. 13-15
- Economic reform in context of political perfect of the society //
Political perfect and experience of the revolutions in XX centure -
Simferopol: TEI, 1997. - P. 18-20
- Modern mentality in ecological activity // To the ecological civilization
- Moscow: The Institute of Philosophy of Academy of Science of the Russia,
1993. - P. 41-54
- Social progress and freedom of personality // Youth and Creative Work.
Part III -Moscow, 1989. - P. 166-168
- Democracy and social progress // Philosopho-methodological problems
of acceleration of the social progress. Part I - Kemerovo, 1988. - P.