Vernadskiy Tavricheskiy National University
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The Faculty of Foreign PhilologyTHE FACULTY OF FOREIGN PHILOLOGY

The Dean of the Faculty

Alexander D. Petrenko, professor, doctor of philology sciences
Phone:+38 (0652) 25-30-84, 25-70-79
E-mail: petrenko@tnu.crimea.uа


It was established in 1944, The Dean of the Faculty is Doctor of Philology A. D. Petrenko.
The Faculty has four Departments: the Department of German Philology, the Department of English Philology, the Department of Romance and Classical Philology, and the Department of Greek' Philology. Each Department provides training for Bachelor, Specialist, and Master Degrees in the following specialities: the German Language and Literature, the English Language and Literature, the French. Language and Literature, the Latin Language, the New Greek and English Languages and Literatures.

The Faculty has a computer classroom and several video classrooms equipped to use systems of satellite television and receive over 150 TV programs via direct broadcast from all over the world. There is a simultaneous translation laboratory.

Academic and Educational Relations

As part of a wide-range research into the variability of language and speech, the Faculty specialists maintain close relations with Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev State Linguistic University, State Universities of Donetsk, Zaporozhia, Lvov, Odessa, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities (Russia), Bilston University, Glasgow and Coventry Universities (United Kingdom), Pavia, Rouen and Picardie Universities (Italy and France), Granada University (Spain), Willamette and Rutger Universities (the United States), Hanover University, Dresden Technical LJniversity and the North Rhine- Westphalia Federal Land Institute of Foreign Languages (Landesspracheninstitut-Nordrhein-'westfalen) (Germany), Lublin University (Poland).

The Faculty is developing long-term cooperation programs with a number of governmental and non-governmental organisations, cultural foundations and educational institutions in the United States, France, Germany and Greece. Every year specialists from the European and American countries come to work at the Faculty.

The Department of Romance and Classical Philology
The Department of English Philology
The Department of German Philology
The Department of Greek Philology

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