1954-1959 - Student of Geography Faculty of the Teacher's Training
College (city Orenburg, Russia and city Simferopol, Crimea). Speciality
- Teacher of Geography and Biology.
1959-1960 - Teacher of Geography and Biology of the Middle School
in Sudak.
1961-1968 - Assistent lecturer at Geography Faculty of the Crimean
Teacher's Training College (Simferopol)
1968-1971 - Post-graduate student of Simferopol State University,
speciality - Geography
1972-1977 - Lecturer of Simferopol State University (since 1999
- National Taurida V.Vernadsky University)
1978 - the present time - Senior lecturer of Physical Geography
Chair (since 1992 - Chair of Geoecology) of National Taurida V.Vernadsky
1974 - defended the higher degree thesis on "Peculiarities of
a nature and of natural recreation resources of Southeast mountainous
Crimea" (Kiev, State University)
1982 - Scientific training at the Geography Faculty of Sofia University
(Chair of Tourism) in Bulgaria.
I am a member of "Women in International Security", Peace Psychology
Division of the American Psychological Association and International society
of political psychology.
1. Recreation Geography. About 50 scientific works
were published, including:
- Recreational resources (approaches to the analysis of concept). -
News of USSR, series Geography, 1977, N 2 (in co-authorship). - Recreation
geography, its conditions and perspectives /The collection "Socio-economic
and geographical aspects of territorial recreational systems research
". - Л.: 1980
- Recreation geography of the USSR. - Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1982
( Section about recreational resources).
- Development of tourism in Crimea in 70-90 years уу c. (Social - economic
and landscape-ecological aspects) /The collection "From a history of
domestic tourism" - Kiev, 1997 (in co-authorship)
2. Ecological problems of recreation resources usage. There were
- Experience of the characteristics of recreational climatic resources
and periods of rest kinds (on an example of Sudak resort). - All-Union
Geographical Society News, 1976, v. 108, N 6 (in co-authorship).
- The new approaches to usage of recreational potential of Crimea /
The collection "Problems of ecology and recreation of the Azov-Black
Sea region". Materials of the International Regional Conference. - Simferopol:
1995 (in co-authorship), etc.
3. Physical Geography of Crimea, problems of a nature protection
and optimum using of nature. There were published:
- Natural conditions of recreational development of Kazantip coast
in Crimea /The collection "Physical Geography and Geomorphology ". Ed.
21. - Kiev: Higher school, 1979 (in co-authorship)
- Kinds of influence on natural complexes (on the example of short-term
rest in mountainous Crimea) / The collection "Protection and rational
using of natural resources". Ed. 1. - Simferopol: 1980 (in co-authorship)
- Research of recreational influence on a grassy cover of juniperus-oak
woods of a Southern Coast of Crimea /Forestry, 1987, N 2 (in co-authorship).
- Perfection of track and road nets as means of optimization recreational
using (on an example of Crimea) /The collection "Study ecosystems of
Crimea in a nature protection aspect ". - Kiev: 1988 (in co-authorship)
- Condition of creation of the Crimean territorial nature protection
system /The collection "A Biological and landscape variety of Crimea:
problems and prospects ". - Simferopol: Sonat, 1999, etc.
4. Ecological education, scientific-educational excursion study
- Project of the law " About ecological education " - Simferopol: 1996
(in co-authorship).
5. Ecology of man (physical geography aspects)
- The texts of lectures at an educational course
1972 - II Conference "Geographical problems of organization of
tourism and rest" (Moscow).
1974-75 - participation in the development of "The Cheme of a regional
lay-out Southeast mountainous Crimea" together with the Kiev Institute
of town-planning
1976 - Working group "Geography of tourism and rest" on XXIII International
Geography Congress (Dombay). Report "Geographical problems of development
and functioning of the usual recreational areas" was published in the
Materials of Working group. - M.: 1976 (in co-authorship).
1977-78 - the program " The Cheme of accommodation of tourist routes
and tourist parking in mountainous Crimea " together with the Crimean
Council of tourism and excursions.
1980 - Scientific-practical Conference "Perspectives of development
of Crimea resorts" (Simferopol)
1982 - Session of the Scientific Council Academy of Sciences of
the USSR on biosphere problems "Rational use and protection of recreation
recources in Crimea" (Jalta).
1982-1987 - The Target Complex Regional program "a Resort" (scientific
recommendations on use of landscapes at designing of resorts.
1983 - the lecturer at School of the young scientists from the
countries - members of the Council of Economic Mutual Aid on a subject
"Geoecological bases of planning and designing of natural-technical geosystems"
within the framework of the program "Protection of ecosystems and landscapes"
(Crimea). The subject of lecture - "Changes in an estimation of
natural conditions at designing territorial recreational systems at different
stages of recreational usage of a nature" (was published in the collection
" The Geoecological approaches to designing nature-technical geosystems
". - M.: 1985).
1984 - the field Soviet-French geographical symposium "The
Alpes - Crimea - Caucasus".
1986-1987 - participation in the development of the "Territorial
Complex Cheme of Nature Protection of the resort Large Yalta".
1987 - International Symposium on a subject of the Council of Economic
Mutual Aid "The ecological bases of management and planning of a landscape"
1997-1999 - Biodiversity Support program - the international working
seminar "Biovariety of Crimea: an estimation and needs of preservation
", Gurzuf, 1997. The report "Ecologization of tourism as the factor
of preservation of a landscape variety of Crimea" was published in Materials
of the seminar (in co-authorship).
1998-1999 - Ukrainian-Switzerland scientific program "Steady regional
development and new tools of planning" (St. Gallen University, Switzerland
- Uniform Republican Digital Territotial Cadastre, Crimea, Ukraine).
Since 1964 - Lecturer of higher educational institutions of such
educational courses as:
- Regional physical geography
- Physical geography of Crimea
- Recreation geography
- Methods of physical-geography researches
- Ecology of man
- Recreation resources and study of resorts
Management of educational student practices:
- Complex geographical practice (areas of Central Asia, Caucasus, Ural,
Baikal, south of Ukraine)
- Landscape practice (Crimea),
- Geobotanical practice (Crimea).
Text-books and programs:
- Physical-geographical basis of Recreation Geography /The manual. - Simferopol:
1982 (in co-authorship).
- author of program "Bases of Recreational Geography" - 1977
- author of program "Ecology of man" - 1991
- author of program "Recreation resources and study of resorts" - 1997.
Now interest all questions connected to development of the contents of
educational and scientific excursions of a ecology-geographical structure
(for the schoolboys, students, tourists). |