Alexander V. Timoshchuk, doctor
of law, professor Phone:+38 (0652) 23-03-86
- History of State and Law of Foreign Countries
- Legal Deontology
- Ethics of Business Relations or Art of Dialogue
- History of Ukraine's Law
- Bases of the Roman Private Law
- A Special Course of History of Ukraine's
- Eloquence
- Comparative Jurisprudence
- Bases of Jurisprudence
Timoshchuk Alexander Valentinovich - Doctor
of Law, Director of the Department; Kaschenko Sergey Grigorievich -
Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor; Fedunov Vladimir Viktorovich
- Candidate of Historical Sciences, assistant professor; Smirnova Evgenia
Vitalievna - Candidate of Historical Sciences, assistant professor; Redkina
Elena Nikolaevna - senior lecturer; Tlushchak Juriy Marianovich
- senior lecturer; Khavadzhi Dinara Remzievna - assistant.
| The state formations in Crimea during the Regional
government of S.Sulkevich (June - November, 1918) - E.N. Redkina The
state formation in Crimea during civil war: historic and law research (November
1918 - November, 1920) - Veligotskiy D.V. Occurrence and development
of ideas of the Crimean autonomy in structure of a federative state during liberal
movement of Turk-speaking moslems in Russian empire - Taran P. Ye. Political-legal
sights of Chelebiev. - Gafarov M. E.
Special Trial Bodies in Taurida
Province (XIX- early XX centuries) - Lyubovnikova T. B. |