Vernadskiy Tavricheskiy National University
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The Department of Theoretical Physics
The Department of Experimental Physics
The Department of General Physics
The Department of Solid-State Physics
The Department of Astronomy and Physical Methods
The Department of Applied Electrodynamics
The Department of Radiophysics and Electronics






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The Head of the Department

Lennur Y. Lennur, professor, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
Phone:+38 (0652) 23-02-13


It was established in 1986 by Professor A. G. Shein.

Faculty Members

Professor A. V. Bruns (fundamentals of metrology in radiophysics, signal processing);
Assistant Professors: V. V. Starostenko (radiotechnical chains and signals, antennas and radio waves propagation, statistical radiophysics), A. A. Shadrin (semicon-ductor electronics, technology and microwave electronics, digital signal processing), A. I. Tkachev (theoretical foundations of radiotechnology, telecommunication devices), A. S. Mazinov (quantum radiophysics, fundamentals of radio electronics, physical foundations of microelectronics) and M. V. Glumova (fundamentals of physical electronics, theory of oscillations, computer engineering and programming, numerical methods in radiophysics);
Senior Lecturers: E. P. Taran (computer graphics, engineering graphics, computer radiophysics), E. V. Grigorev (radio metering, fundamentals of television, secondary power sources) and Yu. A. Zhurilo (impulse and digital technology, microprocessor technology);
Assistant S. A. Zuev (objectbased programming language, computer networks).
Students graduate as specialists in radiophysics, electronics, circuit technique, computer modelling, digital signal processing, and multi-channel communication systems.

Areas of Research

Computer modelling of impulse electromagnetic fields influence on microchips and biological objects; development of numerical imitation models of vacuum and semiconductor microwave devices; study of noise processes in electron-ray and semiconductor devices; creation of solar photoelectric batteries; prospect analysis of multipurpose utilisation of alternative energy sources.

Academic and Educational Relations

are maintained with Kharkov Science and Technology Institute, Kharkov Technical University of Radio Electronics, the NASU Institute of Radio Electronics (Kharkov), Shevchenko Kiev National University, the NASU Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Orion Corporation (Kiev), the Byelorussian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Moscow Energy Institute, and Gyeeongsang National University (Korea). © 2002 Tavrichesky National University